Tag: LEaD

Ten years, ten highlights

Yesterday marked a full decade since I started working at this university. The Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) department was officially launched on my second day in the job, at an on-campus event with LEaD cupcakes, leaderships speeches and aspirations of where things had come from and what we were to become. The annual Learning…Continue Reading Ten years, ten highlights

3rd Cass Teaching and Learning Exchange

Afternoon tea and networking

On a sunny afternoon on 17th July 2019, academic and professional colleagues came together on the 6th floor at Bunhill Row for the 3rd Cass Teaching and Learning Exchange. The two-hour event was again introduced by Dr Martin Rich, Course Director, BSc Business Management, who co-hosted with Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD). Once again colleagues…Continue Reading 3rd Cass Teaching and Learning Exchange

A fresh view on Learning Spaces

Deconstructing a classroom workshop

  Let me first start by introducing myself. I have recently completed my degree in Civil Engineering with Architecture and joined the LEaD team as a winter intern at City, supervised by Julie Voce, Head of Educational Technology and I met Sheila Egan who is the Learning Spaces Lead, part of the Educational Technology Team…Continue Reading A fresh view on Learning Spaces

Bring Your Own Lunch Webinars: Delivering Professional Development to Your Desk

LEaD Webinar Series Working in Higher Education can leave many of us pressured for time, juggling competing priorities and making it difficult to engage with continuing professional development. With this in mind, the Educational Technology Team has been investigating creative solutions for delivering high-quality development opportunities for City staff. Having explored the potential of interactive…Continue Reading Bring Your Own Lunch Webinars: Delivering Professional Development to Your Desk

Educational Multimedia Group – 21 March 2017

The latest Educational Multimedia Group meeting ran on 21st March with a packed agenda and presentations from schools and professional services across City. The presentations covered an array of interesting multimedia use in learning and teaching. Glass Screen Video for Teaching Marine Engineering Matt Goral (Educational Technology Team, LEaD) First up we had Matt talking…Continue Reading Educational Multimedia Group – 21 March 2017

The roads between research, blogs and Twitter

The Mental Elf

I’m lucky… that my role in LEaD’s Educational Technology Team (ETT) involves working with the School of Health Sciences (SHS) and being invited to its many fascinating talks. I don’t often have time to attend these (and – our secret – I don’t always understand all of the words in the titles). But last week…Continue Reading The roads between research, blogs and Twitter

A group for writing

First Weds and Thurs of every month, in B310

Following this year’s Learning at City conference, a few members of LEaD have set up a writing group. The idea is to provide a supportive community and environment for City academics and Professional Services staff to find some time to write, pick up new tips or techniques, or to gain support in writing for the…Continue Reading A group for writing

Using coaching to reflect on teaching

Earlier this year I was, as usual, feeling very busy with teaching, marking, meetings and other stuff and I was concerned that I was not being as innovative as I could be in the teaching of the modules I am responsible for. I felt I needed a very slight reboot of some kind but felt too busy…Continue Reading Using coaching to reflect on teaching

Goodbye ‘Educational Vignettes’, hello ‘Learning at City’

After 5 years, 473 posts, almost 300 comments, and over 12,000 unique visitors from dozens of different countries in this calendar year alone, this blog is entering a new phase. It starts with a new name – welcome to ‘Learning at City‘. The blog began as ‘Educational Vignettes’, launched as a WordPress site in 2011…Continue Reading Goodbye ‘Educational Vignettes’, hello ‘Learning at City’


Our simulated reality multi-media resource is now nearing completion. It has been named CitySCaPE (City Simulated Community and Practice Environment).  It’s been a long process but we think the end is now in sight. We have had  the privilege of working with some very talented young actors who have learning disabilities themselves, some very long…Continue Reading CitySCaPE