Happy New Year! We’re starting off 2022 with some exciting library workshops to support your studies and research….Continue Reading Top 10 library workshops to kick off 2022
Top 10 library workshops to kick off 2022

Happy New Year! We’re starting off 2022 with some exciting library workshops to support your studies and research….Continue Reading Top 10 library workshops to kick off 2022
Bookable individual study spaces are returning at Northampton Square Library for the January assessment period. The bookable spaces are on Level 4 and Level 5 of the library and can be found on the Spencer Street side of University Building. Students can book a space to study for up to three hours, a maximum of five times a…Continue Reading Bookable individual study spaces
Library Services will be extending loan periods for borrowed items over the Christmas and New Year break….Continue Reading Extended loan periods for borrowed items
At 2am on Tuesday 30th November, CityLibrary search will be unavailable for up to two hours due to a system upgrade. During this period you will not be able to access your library account, search for items, place requests or renew items. We envisage that the upgrade will be completed on time and full service…Continue Reading CityLibrary search downtime
On Monday 6th September the new City Law School building, on the corner of Sebastian Street and Goswell Road, opened its doors to staff and students for the first time. This handsome building incorporates two historic structures into its design: and located on the first floor you’ll discover the new Law Library. Over the summer…Continue Reading The City Law School Library
CityLibrary have teamed up with Sports & Leisure to offer you a chance to win some exciting goody bags each day during Welcome Week – 27th September until 1st October….Continue Reading Win a Welcome Week goody bag
Our Library systems are being upgraded during the day on Tuesday 13th April 2021. As a result, there’ll be a short period of time when you won’t be able to:…Continue Reading Library systems downtime on Tuesday 13th April
So, it’s time to #TakeABreak. You’ve been reading, writing, revising and now you’re in need of a time out, a distraction, something to divert your attention. How about a puzzle?…Continue Reading Take a break, pick up a puzzle
Library Services has auto-renewed the majority of items which were due back from March 9th onwards until June, and any new items borrowed will also be extended longer than normal. There are a few instances where this hasn’t been possible – if this is the case with any of your items please get in touch…Continue Reading Extended loans and longer chats
Library Services offers workshops, appointments and subject specific Library Guides in order to help you develop your research skills. Whether you are a brand new student just starting out, returning to study after a gap and looking to refresh your skills, or a postgraduate aiming to publish your work for the first time, there are…Continue Reading Developing your research skills