Moodle 2: A personal MyMoodle

MyMoodle is staff and students very own private learning space in Moodle.    The aim of MyMoodle is to provide staff and students with a personalised page which helps organise modules and activities within them. These activities could include unread forum posts, upcoming assignments and/or quizzes.

MyMoodle, if used to its fullest potential, could be a way of regulating students’ self-directed activity. This can be achieved by ensuring that the modules that are used most regularly are listed first. In addition, you will also be able to access the module calendar of events if this information is provided by the school/department. You will also be able to plan your assignment deadlines much more fluidly using the new activity feed.

A recent user survey conducted by the Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design at City, demonstrated that staff and students wanted more consistency in being able to sort and prioritise content. A visual prezi of the management of the survey process can be seen below thanks to Matt Lingard.

So here’s a sneak preview of the main new functionaliities on MyMoodle

This is what MyMoodle looks like currently.

The new MyMoodle Module Listing

You will be able to manage how you view your own modules. You will also be able to prioritise the modules you want to see at the top using the yellow star. The little icon with an ‘i’ indicates when you have a new message in that module. This will keep you abreast of any new module information.

The new MyMoodle Activity Feed

The activity feed will sit on the right of the MyMooodle page as indicated here. This will mean that you wont have communications coming from everywhere like it has done before. This is known as an aggregated feed which can help provide up to date information on the module activities. Use of icons known as gravatars will create a more visual appeal for staff and students.


The new MyMoodle Upcoming Events

You will also have access to Upcoming Events. This will help plan deadlines, check for updates on any new forum posts, assignments and any module related events.

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