Moodle 2: Activity Completion

Activity completion is a new feature in Moodle that allows the teacher to set completion criteria for a specific activity or resource. A tick () appears against the item when the student meets this criteria. The criterion might be viewing, receiving a certain score or a student marking it as complete.

Activity Completion allows staff and students to track progress. Activities might be shown to be ‘completed’ automatically e.g. when a quiz is submitted, or manually marked as completed by the Student. Activity Completion once enabled, can be useful to help students monitor their self-directed learning.Self-directed learning allows lecturers to:

  • create structured routes through the materials in their modules,
  • track students’ progress through activities and resources,
  • allow personalised learning by providing different resources and activities based on individual students’ achievements.

This is beneficial to students as they can keep track of their own progress through a module. Some evidence contends that learning can be enhanced when we provide learners with more control over, and responsibility for their own learning (Dron, 2007;Nesbit & Winne, 2003). This tool could be useful if you are interesting in providing students with more autonomy in directing their own learning however it must be stressed that activities and the assessments must be carefully aligned to ensure students can manage their self-directed tasks effectively.

To set this feature in motion, you as teacher should enable the option. This feature, as mentioned is only useful if students actively  manage their learning journey although they may need some guidance around this. For more detailed help sheet please click here. Want to get more advice before implementing then contact your local ed. tech team near you.


Dron, J. (2007). Control and constraint in e-learning:Choosing when to choose. Hershey, PA:Information Science Publishing.
Nesbit, J. C., & Winne, P. H. (2003). Self-regulated inquiry with networked resources. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 29(3). Retrieved November 4, 2007, from
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