What’s happening about educational technology support?

We are in a period of transition where a restructure has taken place and a new model of educational technology support is being worked on. You may hear more about it in the next few weeks.

Where do I go to ask for any type of educational technology support?

This means that all educational technology support queries MUST be directed to Service Now. This will ensure that your  query is dealt with by the right person. The IT Service Desk (aka Service Now) is working hard to ensure your query is dealt with, especially in relation to Moodle and other educational technologies, at this very busy time.

We appreciate that this is a change in how queries have been dealt with.

What sorts of queries can I log in service now?

Use Service Now for queries as well as to request equipment, report problems or give feedback about the Service Now service. Lecture capture recordings for example need to be logged in through the request a service item > AV Requests > Lecture Capture.

What about if i need to know how to do something?

The educational technology team have been working hard on providing you with a centralised base of guides which can be used by all staff and students. So finding information on how to use Moodle quizzes, Moodle assessments, lecture recordings for sessions and clickers for example are just examples of what’s available.

You will need to take some time over this and prepare. For guidance in using educational technologies for staff please go to this link http://www.city.ac.uk/edtechhelp/staff and students http://www.city.ac.uk/edtechhelp/student.

Where can I find more information on how to navigate between logging an incident and logging a service request on service now?

Further information on which would be appropriate for your query is addressed in the self-help videos that you can access on the homepage of service desk once you log in. To find this go to self-service>getting started>’how to log a service request’ or ‘how to log an incident’. If that’s not clear, you can always phone service desk on 0207 040 8181.

We would strongly advise you to get acquainted with the service desk system.

What sort of information would be helpful for service desk?

Often the queries require a lot more information gathering so we would strongly advise that you provide as much information as you can. For example if Moodle has stopped working then heading it as that is fine but the IS teams will always need further information for eg what were you trying to do in Moodle, what browser were you using etc etc.

Does this mean that the educational technology teams in our schools no longer handle these queries?

The new model of educational technology support means that we do need all such queries logged on service now. Although service now will be the formal channel for logging these queries, the educational technology teams will still be available to help once these queries have been ranked in order of priority.  We would advise staff to be aware of this and try and pre-plan wherever possible.

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