Spring clean your Moodle Modules

Lecturers start designing their Moodle modules for the new academic year by rolling over content from the previous academic year. This saves a lot of time as content doesn’t need to be uploaded to Moodle each year. This post outlines how to give your module a spring clean post-rollover. It highlights two new features that will help when updating your module – deleting sections and the Recycle bin.

Module Page Spring Clean Tasks

  • Delete redundant content: Delete resources or activities that you are not using on your module.
  • Hide content: If you no longer need a resource or activity on your module, hide it if you think you will use it again.
  • Update resource names and descriptions: It is important that content on your module page has meaningful titles and contextual descriptions for students so that they can easily find the relevant information at the right time.
  • Update activity names, descriptions and settings: Assignments (apart from Turnitin and Moodle assignments with Turnitin enabled) rollover. Remember to update descriptions and due dates!
  • Update files: Review your content, update and upload to Moodle.
  • Move content or sections: Reorganise the layout of your content or your sections so that it is presented in a structure that is easy for students to navigate and to find relevant material.
  • Delete sections: If you change the content that you are teaching, or if you are reorganising the structure of your module, you can delete sections in Moodle 3. This is a new feature to help in the management of your modules.

Recycle bin

Recycle bin
Recycle bin

If module content is accidentally deleted it might be recoverable using the new Recycle bin function. This excludes section names and summaries.

Spring clean guidance

Guidance on giving your module a spring clean will be available from the Module Page Checklist on the edtech guidance site from 28th June.


This post is part of a series exploring what’s new in Moodle 3.

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