What is the educational benefit of using OfficeMix?
OfficeMix is one of many tools that you can use to create voiced over PowerPoints, to enabled you to try a flipped classroom approach on medium to large co-horts of students.
Flip a lecture or part of a lecture by moving direct instruction of core knowledge away from the face-to-face time and deliver the material online in order to use the face-to-face teaching time to check understanding, increase interaction and concentrate on concept engagement. (Hamdan et al. 2013).
If you’d like to know about how and what to flip, see our extensive guidance onĀ Blended learning for large groups medium impact approach
What is OfficeMix?
OfficeMix is a free plugin for PowerPoint developed my Microsoft, that enables you to voice over your PowerPoint slides. This is done slide by slide, so that if you make a mistake, you can re-record it. Once you have finished voicing over your PowerPoints, you can upload the OfficeMix and use a label to embed your OfficeMix in Moodle (as you would do with Mediaspace, YouTube or Box of Broadcast videos). The advantage of using a label is that the video displays on the page itself and is one click less for students, making for a better student learning experience.
What do you need?
OfficeMix installed on your Windows PC and a microphone and a quiet room. If you are in the School of Health Sciences, you can use MG08 to record your OfficeMix.
Gill Harrison, Ultrasound Programme Director, Radiography
Gill Harrison discusses how and why she has used OfficeMix in her flipped learning approach, which she and Alison Harris wrote a paper on for the former Learning at City journal. Gill also gives her top tips for other lecturers considering using OfficeMix to voiceover. Find out more about what Gill Harrison and her colleague Alison Harris did with Flipped Learning in Radiography.
Example of Gill’s OfficeMix
This is an example of one of Gill’s presentations recorded using OfficeMix.
Further help
OfficeMix has a comprehensive portal of guidance here: If you need further help or advice on using OfficeMix, contact your local School based Senior Educational Technologist.
If you are using one of our supported tools and would like to feature in a LEaDing by example case study video, then please contact your your local School based Senior Educational Technologist.