Month: March 2020

Physical Health & Home Working, from a Webinar by Herman Miller

The webinar today [30th March 2020] was focussed on our physical and mental health and working environment at home, it was hosted by Bertie Van Wyk, [BvW] who is part of the research team at Herman Miller, US based furniture designers and manufacturers. I have summarised the most useful information from the online seminar, with some…Continue Reading Physical Health & Home Working, from a Webinar by Herman Miller

Overcoming Isolation in Distance Learning

Aside from the benefits of technology allowing us to work and study remotely, it’s important to recognise the potential sense of isolation that many of us and our students may well experience during the Coronavirus situation. The University of the West of England have published some relevant research for distance learning which is useful for…Continue Reading Overcoming Isolation in Distance Learning

Well-being and remote working for City, University of London

There is some very useful advice here about developing on-line material for your students, but don’t forget to look after yourself and your team as well. This is a small selection of related external links that we feel will provide helpful ideas and guidance during this very difficult and stressful time as we deal with…Continue Reading Well-being and remote working for City, University of London

Developing online teaching and learning

Planning a fully online course takes significant time and resources Unfortunately, coronavirus means that everyone is being asked to develop online solutions to ensure continuity of teaching. The Educational Technology Team in LEaD have put together some brief guidance which we hope will help you to transition your face-to-face teaching online. Don’t try to replicate…Continue Reading Developing online teaching and learning

Lecture Capture Access – grows in smaller spaces

Lecture Capture Graphic

Lecture Capture will appear in many more spaces from September 2020 – when most of the DALI learning spaces between 30 to 55 capacity will be lecture capture enabled. This is in addition to all spaces that are 60 plus. Overall we will have moved from 57 spaces in September 2019 to 100 spaces from…Continue Reading Lecture Capture Access – grows in smaller spaces