Developing Digital Education: a new module lifts off on 10th March

Before the pandemic you may have been able to get away with avoiding using technology in your teaching or seeing it as an optional extra. That all changed in March 2020 when City like all universities and schools, shifted to online learning. While many of us are back in the classroom, it’s  fair to say everyone now has some experiences of digital education, and things have changed a little. Like it or loathe it, we can’t deny the impact of technology on teaching and learning and the challenges and opportunities that it presents.

In LEaD we have been running Educational Technology workshops, Teaching and Learning exchanges and supporting staff in as many ways we can think of to help with the shift to online learning. One option open to staff if to take the Masters in Academic Practice (MAAP) programme, or to enrol on individual modules. For many years we have run a 30 credit module called Technology Enabled Academic Practice (TEAP). It’s always been a popular module, but the pandemic has given us an opportunity to rethink the offer and to launch a new version of this module. EDM124: Developing Digital Education is starting in March 2022. It’s now a 15 credit module, so the time commitment and final assessment have been redesigned to make it more manageable, and it’s been a chance to focus on the key aspects of online and blended learning. You also get to work on a project to introduce a technology into your teaching and reflect on its impact. I will be teaching the module alongside my colleague and the Head of Digital Education at City, Dr Julie Voce. The topics we are covering include:

  • Theories, frameworks and models of digital education  
  • Designing online and blended learning 
  • Communication, collaboration and student engagement 
  • Digital assessment and feedback 

There are still a few places left on the new module starting in a few weeks time (10th March 2022) EDM124: Developing Digital Education. If you are interested in joining the cohort, then please do get in touch with the MAAP Admin team to register your interest and find out more.

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