Throughout 2017, the Educational Technology Team in the School of Arts and Social Sciences collected a number of case studies highlighting the efforts of Lecturers to make their teaching and learning more engaging and pedagogically sound with the use of educational technologies.

One of these case studies looked at the work of an International Politics Lecturer – Madura Rasaratnam, who used online video content during lectures to complement her teaching sessions and engage her students in class. As well as this, Madura also created her own video clips and uploaded these to Moodle to provide a guide on how students should approach their reading before their lectures.

James Hampton and Francesco Rigoli from the Department of Psychology spoke to us about their use of clickers to engage students in large group teaching sessions.

Richard Evans, a Lecturer from the Department of Journalism, along with one of his Journalism students, Maria Kouka, spoke about how effective Moodle tools such as forums can be in improving students’ learning experiences at City.


You can view more case study videos from staff across City on our webpage

Thank you to everyone who chose to share their work with us. If you would like to do the same then please contact your School’s Ed Tech Team.

Happy 2018!

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2 thoughts on “School of Arts and Social Sciences – Video Case Studies

  1. I really love the style you’ve brought to these case study videos – certainly ‘borrowing’ the visual approach for SMCSE case studies!

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