Moodle 3.8: H5P Improvements

The H5P (short for HTML5 package) activity in Moodle enables you to create new interactive content for your Moodle modules. This includes:

  • interactive videos,
  • image hotspots,
  • flashcards and
  • presentations.

As well as helping you to design engaging content, H5P enables you to build interactions to engage students in more active online learning approaches.

The H5P activity works well on mobiles, so students can interact with this at a time, pace and place that suits their requirements. This makes the H5P activity an exciting addition to our suite of tools to support more flexible teaching and learning approaches

City has had the H5P activity available to users enrolled with the Pilot role for a few years now. Moodle 3.8 represents the initial steps to integrate H5P into Moodle core. You can now upload H5P activities directly into Moodle resources via the text editor to create engaging learning activities within your online content.

Interested in finding out more about H5P?

Want to try H5P?

  1. Request the pilot role on Moodle to get access to the H5P activity.
  2. Create and deliver H5P resources directly from the activity.
  3. To create a more integrated learning experience – download the H5P activity and upload it to a Moodle resource via the text editor. Further guidance will be available on our H5P guidance page after the Moodle update on 20th July.

Find out more about Moodle 3.8

This post is part of our series, What’s new in Moodle 3.8.

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Photo by Damian Zaleski on Unsplash


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