Digital Education, the new name for the Educational Technology Team within LEaD

Introducing LEaD Digital Education

The LEaD Educational Technology Team have a new name! In light of the changes that have occurred over the past year and the increase in prominence of digital education both at City and across the education sector, we thought it was timely to update our team name to better reflect our areas of expertise and the terminology used within UK higher education. We are therefore now known as LEaD Digital Education

Digital Education, the new name for LEaD's Educational Technology TeamDigital Education, the new name for LEaD’s Educational Technology Team

What we do;

  • Support academics, professional staff and students in their day-to-day use of City’s core range of digital technologies
  • Lead on the potential for innovation, guiding policy, strategy, learning design, project management, research and evaluation of our work
  • Provide the pedagogical lead on the design of City’s learning environments and the learning and teaching models that these technologies and spaces support

LEaD Digital Education will continue to focus on the following six key areas of support;

  1. School Liaison
  2. Educational Technology
  3. Policy and Strategy
  4. Projects
  5. Learning Design
  6. Learning Environments

Along with the Academic and Student Academic Support teams in LEaD we support colleagues’ development of their learning and teaching practice including curriculum design, assessment, quality enhancement, innovation and educational research.

Click for the link to the Learning and Teaching Hub, a new web page will open

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