Category: Conferences & Events

A group for writing

First Weds and Thurs of every month, in B310

Following this year’s Learning at City conference, a few members of LEaD have set up a writing group. The idea is to provide a supportive community and environment for City academics and Professional Services staff to find some time to write, pick up new tips or techniques, or to gain support in writing for the…Continue Reading A group for writing

A Law student’s perspective of Learning and Teaching

I was recently given the opportunity to arrange a student panel for a Law learning and teaching day and thought it would be helpful to share  some of the recommendations made by these students as well as tips on how to make student panels work. Panels are a great opportunity to look at a subject from…Continue Reading A Law student’s perspective of Learning and Teaching

WC2 Health Club Symposium 2016:Ageing in Urban Environments

Students and academics from 11 Universities participated in the The World Class/World Cities (WC2) Symposium at TUBerlin in  August 2016 to discuss the United Nation’s New Urban Agenda.  In the Health Club, 27 students and academics from CUL London, HKPolyU, UAM Mexico and SPGSTU Petersburg first discussed similarities and differences between their cities for those…Continue Reading WC2 Health Club Symposium 2016:Ageing in Urban Environments

Plagiarism and essay mills

Plagiarism, and in particular the recent burgeoning of so-called essay mills, was the theme of the ALDinHE (London & south-east region) event hosted by the University of Reading on July 22nd 2016. I had the pleasure of attending this lively and stimulating day of presentations and discussion at the University’s verdant London Road campus, a…Continue Reading Plagiarism and essay mills

M25 Learning Technology Group July 2016 Meeting

On the 20th July, the M25 Learning Technology Group met at the University of Westminster on Regents Street, the first one hosted by Westminister (see the timeline of meetings , courtesy of Matt Lingard).The afternoon had presentations on Digital Literacy, User Experience and Flow in the redesign of Moodle, Open Badges, Learning Spaces and Learning…Continue Reading M25 Learning Technology Group July 2016 Meeting

First SHS Simulated Practice Showcase July 2016

On the 13th July, Janet Hunter welcomed members of the School of Health Sciences (SHS), School of Arts and Social Sciences and Cass Business School to the first SHS Simulated Practice Showcase. Neal Sumner (LEaD) facilitated the session and lead the concluding discussion. @JHunterCity and @nealsumner kick off #cityunisimshowcase for @CityUniHealth 26 ppl attending @r_a_knight…Continue Reading First SHS Simulated Practice Showcase July 2016

Murder, diamonds and walking: using walks in your teaching practice through an exploration of Hatton Garden

Hatton Garden boasts a rich and colourful history.  It is known as the jewelry quarter and is the site of infamous crimes such as the recent Hatton Garden heist or the 17th century murder memorialised by Bleeding Heart Yard.  Many layers of history, extremes of poverty and wealth, and change are shared in the buildings such…Continue Reading Murder, diamonds and walking: using walks in your teaching practice through an exploration of Hatton Garden

Educational Multimedia Group – 20th April 2016

At the last Educational Multimedia Group we introduced our brand new MILL (Media and Innovation Learning Lab) facilities which can be found next to the new LEaD office on the 3rd floor of the University building.  These include a soundproofed digital production studio with two 4K cameras, autocue and a control booth (and will soon…Continue Reading Educational Multimedia Group – 20th April 2016

Blogging together: social writing to encourage the sharing of good practice

Sandwich writing - participants discussing their ideas.

It was great to have so many participants at the Blogging Together workshop at the Learning at City conference last week. For those who were unable to attend, here is a brief outline and an invitation to join the Blog Writing Group. In the workshop, we looked at the motivations and challenges to sharing our…Continue Reading Blogging together: social writing to encourage the sharing of good practice

Report from Learning at City 2016 – Promoting Teaching Excellence

The 8th annual Learning at City Conference took place at the Hatton in London on 8th June. Over 100 people attended the event, with some 390 tweets using the hashtag #learningatcity16 including 91 photographs and 6 of the keynote or paper sessions streamed live on Periscope, as a trial of the application, of which audio…Continue Reading Report from Learning at City 2016 – Promoting Teaching Excellence