This year, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative organised a two-day web conference about learning spaces: Re-imagining the Learning Space: Design, Technology and Assessment, where Paul Baepler and J. D. Walker, from the Center for Educational Innovation, at the University of Minnesota, presented. The title of their presentation, “Active Learning Classrooms and Social Context: Changing Relationships to Improve…Continue Reading ELI: Learning Space Design, Technology and Assessment
A toe in the waters
Last month, I attended my first conference for the Association of Learning Technologists (ALTc), held at the University of Warwick. Not only was it my first ALTc, but probably also the first time to significantly engage with the wider community of learning technologists working in higher education (HE), at least since joining City. Following are…Continue Reading A toe in the waters
ALT Annual Conference 2014: Riding giants: How to innovate and educate ahead of the wave
The “giants” in the title are waves. It’s an interesting choice, as is the emphasis on the need (or desire) to educate “ahead of the wave”. I mention this because, by the end, I thought it was a strange choice of title: the tone of the presentations and conversations during the breaks was one…Continue Reading ALT Annual Conference 2014: Riding giants: How to innovate and educate ahead of the wave
Partnership in Practice at the University of Lincoln
On the 24th October, I attended the University of Lincoln’s KICKSTART Conference. Focusing on students as partners (or in the case of Lincoln’s nomenclature, co-producers), the conference highlighted some exciting work going on. Further to this, however, it was clear that student engagement is firmly rooted in the academic culture of the institution, from the…Continue Reading Partnership in Practice at the University of Lincoln
Leadership and Change in the Public Eye
“There should be a prize for people who make the worst mistake and learn from it.” This is a quote from Tony Hall, Director General of the BBC, being interviewed by Professor Laura Empson, Director of the Cass Centre for Professional Service Firms, discussing organisational culture and risk. Tony Hall explained how allowing people to make mistakes…Continue Reading Leadership and Change in the Public Eye
Leadership: What’s Love Got to Do With It?
Perhaps love isn’t a word we usually associate with the workplace. However, Gabriella Braun argues that leadership is about people and working with people demands a capacity for love. The seminar Leadership: What’s Love Got to Do With It? is part of a series exploring the relationship between leadership and psychoanalysis. The event I attended…Continue Reading Leadership: What’s Love Got to Do With It?
Augmented and Virtual Reality Conference 17th – 20th Sept. 2014
I am a PhD student at City University and as part of my PhD studies, I presented our work on hand orientation based interaction with augmented objects at the First Conference on Augmented and Virtual Reality (AVR). As is the case with most conferences, AVR was held in the culturally rich and historic city of…Continue Reading Augmented and Virtual Reality Conference 17th – 20th Sept. 2014
RAISE your expectations of student engagement
Sometimes I go to conferences and worry that I’ll be bored witless, that I’ll come away with buzzwords and platitudes. But at the fourth Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement conference, I found a communtiy. What’s more, I found a fervour around student engagement which I hadn’t necessarily picked up on during my previous conference…Continue Reading RAISE your expectations of student engagement
Sharing Good Practice from the 2013 – 2014 Excellence in Leadership Award for the School of Arts and Social Sciences
Journalism is a tricky – and risky – business. Knowing how to research, write (or visually create) and package stories for audiences across print and digital is not enough. Students need to know how their journalistic enterprises can money – and publishing companies prize such skills. Young innovative thinkers are always in demand. So I…Continue Reading Sharing Good Practice from the 2013 – 2014 Excellence in Leadership Award for the School of Arts and Social Sciences