Category: Conferences & Events

RAISE your expectations of student engagement

Sometimes I go to conferences and worry that I’ll be bored witless, that I’ll come away with buzzwords and platitudes. But at the fourth Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement conference, I found a communtiy. What’s more, I found a fervour around student engagement which I hadn’t necessarily picked up on during my previous conference…Continue Reading RAISE your expectations of student engagement

Sharing Good Practice from the 2013 – 2014 Excellence in Leadership Award for the School of Arts and Social Sciences

Journalism is a tricky – and risky – business.  Knowing how to research, write (or visually create) and package stories for audiences across print and digital is not enough. Students need to know how their journalistic enterprises can money – and publishing companies prize such skills.  Young innovative thinkers are always in demand. So I…Continue Reading Sharing Good Practice from the 2013 – 2014 Excellence in Leadership Award for the School of Arts and Social Sciences

ERASMUS Staff Mobility Placement – Report

In May of this year I visited the Technical University of Berlin, working alongside staff in the InnoCampus department on the Erasmus staff mobility exchange programme. InnoCampus is a team of around 20 staff, a mix of academics and support staff, who develop e-learning and IT systems which are used by the rest of the…Continue Reading ERASMUS Staff Mobility Placement – Report

2013-2014 Student Voice Award winner for non-academic student support

Zazie is sharing why she was nominated for this award and what it meant. There are also some comments from the students nominations to show why they nominated her.   What is your role? I am the Doctoral Administrator for the research programmes in the Departments of Culture & Creative Industries, International Politics and Music….Continue Reading 2013-2014 Student Voice Award winner for non-academic student support

Twenty-first International Conference on Learning 14th – 17th July 2014

This conference covers the whole spectrum of education from primary school to higher education and so provides an opportunity to hear about developments across a broad range of areas and explore what might be transferable to other areas.   I was able to attend for all four days and as can be seen from the…Continue Reading Twenty-first International Conference on Learning 14th – 17th July 2014

21st International Conference on Learning

I have published two posts from the International Conference on Learning where Pam and myself are currently. The first post is an overview of my main “takeaways” from the conference so far, more useful I thought than outlining every session I have attended.  Some good ideas here that I hope to incorporate into my own practice…Continue Reading 21st International Conference on Learning

Learning at City Conference 2014 – Catch up

The Learning at City Conference is now in its sixth year and continues to go from strength to strength. This year, for the first time, the conference took place at an external venue and was opened up to presenters and attendees from other HE institutions. The Conference took place on Wednesday 4th June at The Hatton…Continue Reading Learning at City Conference 2014 – Catch up

Showcasing excellent teaching and learning at Cass Business School

On 7th May 2014, the Cass Business School held its fourth annual Teaching and Learning Showcase. Themed on excellence in teaching and learning, it featured inspiring talks from Cass lecturers, as well as colleagues from other Schools at City University London. The showcase was jointly organised by key members of the Cass Teaching and Learning…Continue Reading Showcasing excellent teaching and learning at Cass Business School

Made@City 2014

Last week, several members of the Educational Technology team paid a visit to the Made@City 2014 event in Shoreditch Village Hall. This event, now in its second year, is City’s end-of-year show for students from the School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering and brings together undergraduate, postgraduate and staff research work under one roof….Continue Reading Made@City 2014

ALDinHE Annual Conference 2014: Learning Development Spaces and Places

In April, I had the lucky opportunity to attend the Association of Learning Development in Higher Education’s (ALDinHE) annual conference, where themes such as ownership and identity of learning development departments were discussed and explored through a series of lectures and workshops. The keynote speaker was Etienne Wenger-Treyner (EWT), a social learning theorist whose work…Continue Reading ALDinHE Annual Conference 2014: Learning Development Spaces and Places