Category: Learning Spaces

Cutting the cables

Slide clicker

It’s a big room. There are hundreds of faces out there, all looking at me. I don’t want to be pinned behind that thing for the whole lecture – I need to be able to move about, to pace, to engage. Ever find yourself stuck behind the lectern in somewhere like a lecture theatre, unable…Continue Reading Cutting the cables

Innovation to mainstream: a 21st Century campus designed for Active Blended Learning

This is my second post about the SOAS Learning and Teaching Development conference. Prof. Alejandro Armenilli from The University of Northampton started by presenting a video – A vision of students today, which, whilst made in the USA in 2007, is still depressingly relevant to the UK Higher Education sector today. Armenilli suggested that Higher Education establishments…Continue Reading Innovation to mainstream: a 21st Century campus designed for Active Blended Learning

The Design & Management of Learning Environments –The Student Experience

#LearnEnvConf Thursday 17 May 2018 Held at Kings College London, this event looked at the key topic of how a modern and diverse learning environment can attract, engage and retain its students and staff. 1.Sue Holmes, Director. of Estates at Oxford Brookes University and AUDE member. Sue was the first speaker. Her talk called “JellyBean…Continue Reading The Design & Management of Learning Environments –The Student Experience

Is It Time To Ban Laptops In Meeting Rooms? Part of a Bigger Picture

A recent article from software developer Trello, suggests that from learning space to conference hall, the bottom line is that there is a difference between multitasking and “task switching.” The distractible mind…a few thoughts from Clerkenwell Design Week #CDW18. Worth a read for students and us, especially as academics, ‘engagers’ and supporters of learning The creative director of a UK…Continue Reading Is It Time To Ban Laptops In Meeting Rooms? Part of a Bigger Picture

Phasing Out Turning Point Clickers

TP Clickers

Turning Point Clickers have performed a faithful student response system service for many years across the University, being borrowed and returned in locations near and far, and this was an excellent system to prove how valuable response systems are for Teaching and Learning. However, like polaroids, yellow pages and casette tapes  the clickers system has…Continue Reading Phasing Out Turning Point Clickers

Getting Better: Interrogating the Smart Campus (2/2)

Chris Pearce speaking at smart campus panel event

(watch the full session above) Over the past couple of years, I’ve been following developments in the area increasingly being defined as the ‘smart campus’ with great interest. It’s a concept that means different things to different people, but to me, it’s largely about the convergence of several trends and emerging technologies across the whole…Continue Reading Getting Better: Interrogating the Smart Campus (2/2)

Sky-diving from College Building clock tower


I’ve done some exciting things during my thirteen (and a third) years at City, but I think this just about caps the lot. It was just before my last appraisal meeting that the idea of jumping off a tall building first came to mind. I was a little bit early for the meeting (I just…Continue Reading Sky-diving from College Building clock tower

Team-based Quizzing with Poll Everywhere

Second poll, segmented by teams

INTRODUCING SEGMENTED QUIZZING Keen to try and add some team-based gaming elements to your teaching, but not sure where to start? Feel like you’ve taken Poll Everywhere about as far as you can in your classes, but would still like to take it to a next level? I might have just this thing for you….Continue Reading Team-based Quizzing with Poll Everywhere

New Flexible Learning and Open Access PC Spaces at City, University of London

The Drysdale Ground floor is one of the most heavily utlised spaces on the City, University of London campus. With over 200 open access student PC spaces and five PC teaching labs the floor has been completely remodeled, refreshed and updated to meet the needs of our students, and provide new, flexible learning spaces.  …Continue Reading New Flexible Learning and Open Access PC Spaces at City, University of London

‘I’ll Skype You In’ – LEaD event for International City Week

Aviation UG seminar with remote guest speaker

Do you use tools like Skype or Adobe Connect in your teaching or collaborative research? Have you ever tried to bring a remote speaker into a seminar, or attempted a live collaboration between people at different sites? How well do your webinars run, when all participants are dispersed across different sites? On Wednesday Feb 21st…Continue Reading ‘I’ll Skype You In’ – LEaD event for International City Week