Seville November 16th -18th 2015 By Neal Sumner I was pleased to return after two years to the ICERI conference held in November in Seville to present a follow-up paper entitled ‘Moving forward with a blended learning curriculum: a case study in collaboration’, which I had co-authored with Karen Rawlings Anderson from the School of…Continue Reading ICERI (International Conference on Education Research and Innovation) November 2015
LEaD Coaching Fellowships
LEaD fellows are currently being matched with coaches to work with them over this year to develop their teaching practice. The coaching is a safe, confidential space used as an educational development and reflective practice tool. In partnership with coaches the fellows will reflect on their educational role, explore their teaching and take the next…Continue Reading LEaD Coaching Fellowships
Leading by Example – Dr Rachael-Anne Knight
Dr Rachael-Anne Knight discusses her use of Poll Everywhere (the web based student response system) and its impact on her students learning….Continue Reading Leading by Example – Dr Rachael-Anne Knight
Use of Moodle Restrict Access in Bar Professional Training Course modules
One of the great improvements in the Moodle upgrade at the beginning of this academic year is the extended options available for the conditional release of learning materials and activities to students. In previous versions of Moodle, resources could only be restricted though the set-up of grouping(s). In the current version of Moodle, you can…Continue Reading Use of Moodle Restrict Access in Bar Professional Training Course modules
20th Annual SEDA Conference – Scholarship and Educational development: The importance of using an evidence base for Learning and Teaching 19th – 20th November 2015 Cardiff.
is conference was focused on scholarship and how it provides an evidence based for pedagogic and academic practice. Many working in educational development are very familiar with the work of Boyer (1990) and Shulman (1999) but there have been many developments since their work and this conference is an opportunity to share practice today. Scholarship…Continue Reading 20th Annual SEDA Conference – Scholarship and Educational development: The importance of using an evidence base for Learning and Teaching 19th – 20th November 2015 Cardiff.
Health Has Got Talent 2015: ‘My experiences in the Big Chair’ – Service user experiences of common eye diseases
This is a summary of the work I presented at the Health Has Got Talent event 2015. As an optometry student, some of the most important parts of the degree is to perfect your ability to perform an eye test, diagnose eye diseases, and manage patients. All optometry students will have to abide by the…Continue Reading Health Has Got Talent 2015: ‘My experiences in the Big Chair’ – Service user experiences of common eye diseases
Create Moodle Quiz questions from a TeX file
Moodle quizzes can be used for different purposes. They can help to build students’ confidence by providing opportunities for them to consolidate their learning, and offering instant personalised feedback. Lecturers can also benefit from using quizzes to identify parts of the curriculum that students are struggling with, and to gather feedback about content covered in…Continue Reading Create Moodle Quiz questions from a TeX file
Health has got Talent 2015: Simple methods for complex learning
This blog post is to describe the work I entered into Health has got Talent 2015. In 2014 I started using simulated on-line role plays for mental health nursing students. The premise of the activity is that the students are given a scenario about a service user with complex needs. They are then allocated a…Continue Reading Health has got Talent 2015: Simple methods for complex learning
Down the Rabbit Hole: HEA Social Sciences Conference 2015
Last week, I attended the Higher Education Academy ‘Inspire’ Conference for the Social Sciences in Manchester. My free passport to this great conference was as a member of the “BlogSquad” to live-tweet and blog about the event. I will first say just how valuable it is to attend the occasional conference or talk that is…Continue Reading Down the Rabbit Hole: HEA Social Sciences Conference 2015
Audience response using Poll Everywhere
This year I have been using Poll Everywhere in my teaching. Poll Everywhere is an audience response system which allows students to answer a variety of questions in class using their own phones, tablets or laptops, via the web using a data or wifi connection, or via twitter or text message. Here I describe…Continue Reading Audience response using Poll Everywhere