Category: Team Sites

Horizons in Legal Education at City

The City Law School Building - exterior

An overview of LEaD’s support and collaboration with City Law School This post summarises the breadth of LEaD’s support and showcases our commitment to equitable and inclusive learning, working in partnership with colleagues in the City Law School. Digital Accessibility LEaD continues to innovate in creating media-rich, high-quality resources of high quality for the Law…Continue Reading Horizons in Legal Education at City

Are you using Teams Sites with your students?

4 benefits to using Teams Sites to help students connect and collaborate in their Learning?

If the answer is Yes then please make contact with the City Digital Education Team. We are really keen to collate recent case studies of modules that have used Teams Sites that help students along with their Moodle Modules.  Here’s why Teams Sites can be a helpful addition to your Moodle Module. Teams Sites can…Continue Reading Are you using Teams Sites with your students?

How could we enable City students to work and connect together? A pinch of Teams space, a Teaspoon of redesign and a Dollop of trial and error.

Teams Sites - Who, What, When, How and Why?

Have you found yourself asking this question, “Should I implement Microsoft Teams, into my Moodle Module and what’s the point?” Or why would I? Many Programme Leaders and Lecturers ask themselves this same question, and this post aims to tell you about a Teams Sites evaluation conducted at City, University of London. We will help…Continue Reading How could we enable City students to work and connect together? A pinch of Teams space, a Teaspoon of redesign and a Dollop of trial and error.