The Annual Association for Learning Technology conference (ALTC) took place from the 8th – 10th September, with the theme of ‘Shaping the Future Together’. I attended the second day of the conference as it had elements of Learning Spaces that I was interested in. This post are my highlights, along with a recording on the…Continue Reading Shaping the Future of Learning Together – Day 2 at ALT-C 2015
Supporting dissertation students online
The Educational Technology Team supported two small-scale projects around dissertation support and supervision. We worked with staff to provide advice and guidance on how educational technology can be used to support students undertaking a dissertation. We have drawn on lessons learned from the small-scale projects to develop a resource for staff to who are looking…Continue Reading Supporting dissertation students online
Supporting your blended learning approach
Blended learning is increasing in popularity as an effective way to meet diverse learner requirements and offer increased flexibility for students through the thoughtful integration of resources and activities in an online environment with face-to-face teaching. Alammary et al. (2014, p.440) in their paper on blended learning in higher education found that “[t]he question now…Continue Reading Supporting your blended learning approach
HeLF Flexible Pedagogies Workshop
Members of the Heads of E-Learning Forum (HeLF), a network of senior staff in institutions engaged in promoting, supporting and developing technology enhanced learning, met at the University of Leeds in February to explore flexible pedagogies. The workshop addressed a number of aspects of flexible pedagogies such as new curricular being developed at different institutions,…Continue Reading HeLF Flexible Pedagogies Workshop
Introducing the Blended Learning Theme
Blended Learning is increasing in popularity as an effective way to meet diverse learner requirements and offer increased flexibility for students through the integration of resources and activities in an online environment with face-to-face teaching. The Blended Learning Theme works with academics and professional staff providing expert advice and guidance in combining online elements with…Continue Reading Introducing the Blended Learning Theme
M25 Learning Design
By: Olivia Fox & Lisa Baker The focus of the M25 was on learning design. This post looks at the presentations around learning design, tools to support the process and staff development. Maria Toro-Troconis (Imperial College London) introduced a Blended Learning Design tool BLEnDT©. This tool provides a framework for moving learning designs from face-to-face…Continue Reading M25 Learning Design
Introducing the Educational Technology Team
Educational Technology: In recent years, the range and scale of educational technologies available to City staff and students has changed radically. For example, Moodle offers a platform to provide course materials, activities and links to a host of tools, lecture capture can record live presentations, CampusPress is our blogging tool, Turnitin supports online assessment, staff…Continue Reading Introducing the Educational Technology Team
Educational Technology Team Themes & Projects
This post shares photos of the Educational Technology Team and how we work across three themes and undertake numerous projects. Educational Technology Team members are organised into the three themes of: Blended Learning Multimedia Learning Spaces This aligns with institutional priorities and enables the team to support, discover and promote a range of educational technology…Continue Reading Educational Technology Team Themes & Projects
City University London staff – tell us about your experiences of using educational technology
Audience: City University London Staff Learning Enhancement & Development are looking at future educational technology developments and we are looking for input from City University London staff. Tell us about your experience of using educational technology and what enhancements you would like to see in the future by completing the staff educational technology survey. It…Continue Reading City University London staff – tell us about your experiences of using educational technology
ICERI Conference report
ICERI (International Conference on Education Research and Innovation.) Seville November 19th and 20th 2013 As part of the dissemination activity for our learning development project funded by the LDC the three researchers on the project, Karen Rawlings- Anderson, Natasa Perovic and Neal Sumner attended this conference in Seville to present some of our findings to…Continue Reading ICERI Conference report