Tag: Cass

‘Team Up’: collaborating with drones in higher education

Drone in foreground, on floor of CitySport gym, man walking towards it in background

Some projects come to us in LEaD Digital Education as fully formed ideas. Our role then is to help to execute somebody else’s vision for educational excellence. Other projects emerge out of iterative conversations and the scramble around for ideas that might just work. The ‘Team Up’ project was one for the latter category. Enter…Continue Reading ‘Team Up’: collaborating with drones in higher education

3rd Cass Teaching and Learning Exchange

Afternoon tea and networking

On a sunny afternoon on 17th July 2019, academic and professional colleagues came together on the 6th floor at Bunhill Row for the 3rd Cass Teaching and Learning Exchange. The two-hour event was again introduced by Dr Martin Rich, Course Director, BSc Business Management, who co-hosted with Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD). Once again colleagues…Continue Reading 3rd Cass Teaching and Learning Exchange

M25 Learning Technology Group July 2016 Meeting

On the 20th July, the M25 Learning Technology Group met at the University of Westminster on Regents Street, the first one hosted by Westminister (see the timeline of meetings , courtesy of Matt Lingard).The afternoon had presentations on Digital Literacy, User Experience and Flow in the redesign of Moodle, Open Badges, Learning Spaces and Learning…Continue Reading M25 Learning Technology Group July 2016 Meeting

Showcasing excellent teaching and learning at Cass Business School

On 7th May 2014, the Cass Business School held its fourth annual Teaching and Learning Showcase. Themed on excellence in teaching and learning, it featured inspiring talks from Cass lecturers, as well as colleagues from other Schools at City University London. The showcase was jointly organised by key members of the Cass Teaching and Learning…Continue Reading Showcasing excellent teaching and learning at Cass Business School

Imagination into Action: event at Chester University’s Innovation Centre

  Hosted by the University of Chester on May 21st. this was a most productive one day active workshop event that brought together a rich mix of 40 innovators in learning, business, academia and the public sector. It introduced cutting edge innovation methods from Finland: the University of Lappeenranta team led by Anne Passila from…Continue Reading Imagination into Action: event at Chester University’s Innovation Centre

Reflective Practitioner Exhibition

It was an honour to be invited to the exhibition showcasing and engaging guests with students’ work on ‘The Reflective Practitioner’ module as part of BSc Management and BSc Business.  Angela Dove, the module leader, working in conjunction with the students and other supporters put on this year’s exhibition in the newly refurbished Drysdale Lecture…Continue Reading Reflective Practitioner Exhibition

Video in Education SIG – our first webinar – November 2013

Video in Education – a special interest group – invites you to grab a coffee and share best practice at our first webinar. Formed in summer 2012, this group’s focus is on sharing practice within the schools, and gathering examples from other institutions, in: production and publishing of video for education; techniques for engaging staff…Continue Reading Video in Education SIG – our first webinar – November 2013

The first episode in the Educational Vignettes podcast – an interview with Dr Keith Pond from the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University

Presenting the first episode in our Educational Vignettes podcast series! With the Cass learning development showcase coming up on May 22nd, and themed on ‘Efficient and Effective Feedback’, Sandra and I (at the LDC) carried out a sector review of other business schools across the country, to see how they were performing in terms of…Continue Reading The first episode in the Educational Vignettes podcast – an interview with Dr Keith Pond from the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University

Learning Development Project – Prof Paul Palmer

This is a case study video of a Learning Development Project completed by Prof Paul Palmer and Hee Yu Lee in 2010. This project provided greater integration of the work of the careers function with the two spine modules in the MSc Management pulling together physical and online resources to enhance graduate employability. This project…Continue Reading Learning Development Project – Prof Paul Palmer