Tag: conferences

Ten years, ten highlights

Yesterday marked a full decade since I started working at this university. The Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) department was officially launched on my second day in the job, at an on-campus event with LEaD cupcakes, leaderships speeches and aspirations of where things had come from and what we were to become. The annual Learning…Continue Reading Ten years, ten highlights

Are you using Teams Sites with your students?

4 benefits to using Teams Sites to help students connect and collaborate in their Learning?

If the answer is Yes then please make contact with the City Digital Education Team. We are really keen to collate recent case studies of modules that have used Teams Sites that help students along with their Moodle Modules.  Here’s why Teams Sites can be a helpful addition to your Moodle Module. Teams Sites can…Continue Reading Are you using Teams Sites with your students?

CREATe Evidence Conference – reforming copyright through evidence

A few weeks ago I went to the University of Glasgow to a 2 day conference organised by CREATe who are the UK Copyright and Creative Economy Centre. I was invited to attend the Copyright Evidence Conference and contribute to the event based on my expertise related to copyright and online learning. CREATe are an…Continue Reading CREATe Evidence Conference – reforming copyright through evidence

Reflections from the UK and Ireland Street Law Conference

At the start of April I went to Edinburgh for my second in person conference since March 2020. The UK and Ireland Street Law Conference was hosted by the Law Society of Scotland. I was invited to co-present with Fran Ridout, Senior Lecturer in Law and Director of the Legal Advice Centre at Queen Mary,…Continue Reading Reflections from the UK and Ireland Street Law Conference

Getting to know the ‘sticky’ campus

SmartLearning Text

“We live in a world where the workforces of today and tomorrow need to continuously learn and constantly reskill in order to flourish ina newly peripatetic and ever-changing job market place. We, as a society can therefore no longer afford to think of education as something that occurs primarily in our formative years”. Nathan Hurley,…Continue Reading Getting to know the ‘sticky’ campus

Supporting Student Success for flexible/distance learning

How can we support student success? Julie Voce, Dom Pates and Rae Bowdler attended a workshop by the University of London (UoL) Centre for Distance Education (CDE) to find out. The programme grappled with various big-ticket items such as how we explore retention and progression in the management of flexible learning, through to using various…Continue Reading Supporting Student Success for flexible/distance learning

MozFest 2019: some reflections on games based learning

A few weekends ago I found myself at Ravensbourne College on a Saturday, which is the site of the O2 in North Greenwich. No I wasn’t seeing John Legend in concert (he was playing!), this was the second time I was attending MozFest which is run by the Mozilla Foundation (who created the web browser…Continue Reading MozFest 2019: some reflections on games based learning

Post maternity leave – a refresher’s synopsis of City’s events 2019

getting ready for the autumn term 2023

I have been most fortunate this year to have had the privilege of attending several events at our university and I am truly grateful for that especially after returning from my second maternity leave. When you return to work after an extended period, in many ways, it does feel like you are starting again, therefore it’s…Continue Reading Post maternity leave – a refresher’s synopsis of City’s events 2019

My First ALT Conference

The many roles of an Educational Technologist

Personal Reflection on my first ALT Conference: The 2018 Association of Learning Technologists conference was held in Manchester from 10-13 September,  as it was both the first time I’ve attended and presented I was a little apprehensive about what to expect! What I found was a really warm welcome from the conference organisers and all…Continue Reading My First ALT Conference

Copyright, Education and the International Community of Practice

I’ve been away to two conferences in the last month presenting about one of my key research interests: copyright education. As some of you may know, I am a former librarian / copyright officer, now transformed into a Senior Lecturer in Educational Developer (yes I do sometimes have an identity crisis!) so the first conference…Continue Reading Copyright, Education and the International Community of Practice