Tag: distance learning

City’s Student Digital Assistants take on the Digital Accessibility module

illustration of six disabled people next to each other, one with a guide dog, two have their hand raised, two wheelchair users on laptops and on their phone. Most have online chat icons above them to demonstrate interaction

What is Digital Accessibility? The Introduction to Digital Accessibility is a self-enrol and self-directed Moodle e-learning module that outlines accessibility guidelines, awareness around disability, assistive technology, and legislation in line with City’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion strategy. To put this into simpler terms, it is a course that educates students and staff on making use…Continue Reading City’s Student Digital Assistants take on the Digital Accessibility module

Supporting Student Success for flexible/distance learning

How can we support student success? Julie Voce, Dom Pates and Rae Bowdler attended a workshop by the University of London (UoL) Centre for Distance Education (CDE) to find out. The programme grappled with various big-ticket items such as how we explore retention and progression in the management of flexible learning, through to using various…Continue Reading Supporting Student Success for flexible/distance learning

Tickets to RIDE

Senate House, University of London

  Last month, a handful of City staff joined other delegates in the auspicious surroundings of Senate House, for the University of London’s Centre for Distance Education flagship event. The 13th Research and Innovation in Distance Education annual conference (RIDE) was themed this year around addressing the challenges of digital education, looking at both professional…Continue Reading Tickets to RIDE

Unlocking the future of Higher Education – King’s Online conference

Photo of Anna Wood presenting about King's Online

On Monday 24th April, King’s College London hosted the inaugural King’s Online conference – Unlocking the Future of Higher Education. Anna Wood, Director of King’s Online, opened the event by questioning why Higher Education had been slow to embrace the opportunities offered by technology. She suggested that it was due to lack of investment in…Continue Reading Unlocking the future of Higher Education – King’s Online conference

Video for learning: Mediaspace enhancements

Welcome to the third blog post in my series on enhancements to the video and audio tools available to staff and students at City, University of London. In this post I will be discussing some of the general feature enhancements that have been brought to Mediaspace, and some suggestions for how they can be used….Continue Reading Video for learning: Mediaspace enhancements

Video for learning: new tools for staff

The Educational Technology Team are passionate about helping staff and students at City get the most out of tools for teaching and learning. In particular, this summer we have been working hard to upgrade and improve the Mediaspace platform which allows staff and students to create, publish and share educational video and multimedia. In a…Continue Reading Video for learning: new tools for staff

Planned upgrade to Kaltura Mediaspace

This summer, City’s online platform for educational video – Kaltura Mediaspace – will be getting an update to introduce new features to make video more interactive and more accessible. As part of this update, the Kaltura tools in Moodle will be upgraded on Tuesday 14th June. This upgrade brings the Video Resource and Video Assignment…Continue Reading Planned upgrade to Kaltura Mediaspace

City Law School’s new distance learning course (LLB in Legal Practice)

September will see the start of the LLB In Legal Practice. This is a new degree which has a number of specific features to it and opens up some opportunities for the School. The programme is to be run in conjunction with CILEX Law School (CxLS) on a distance learning basis. CxLS have extensive experience…Continue Reading City Law School’s new distance learning course (LLB in Legal Practice)

Distance Learning: LLM International Business Law

On behalf of The City Law School, we are proud to have launched the University’s first distance learning degree programme, the Master of Laws (LLM) in International Business Law (IBL), in May 2014. In consideration of the school’s strategy to internationalise our postgraduate curriculum and course offerings, Professor Jason Chuah, the Head of Academic Law,…Continue Reading Distance Learning: LLM International Business Law

Moocs: Next steps and challenges

Amara’s law states that “we tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run. ” Simon Nelson, Chief Executive of FutureLearn speaking at Westminster’s Higher Education Forum on MOOCs and technology-enhanced learning: next steps and challenges highlighted how Amara’s Law could be applied to…Continue Reading Moocs: Next steps and challenges