It was about the beginning of September, 1664, that I, among the rest of my neighbours, heard in ordinary discourse that the plague was returned again in Holland; for it had been very violent there, and particularly at Amsterdam and Rotterdam, in the year 1663, whither, they say, it was brought, some said from Italy,…Continue Reading In at the deep end: teaching online at short notice
Towards Wireless Collaboration
The journey so far towards wireless collaboration at City This is the second in a series of six posts about LEaD’s investigations into introducing wireless collaboration technologies to City learning spaces. It covers the rise of smartphones and mobile devices, increasing demand at City for integration of mobile devices within learning spaces, and how LEaD…Continue Reading Towards Wireless Collaboration
3D Scanning with the iPad
Before Christmas I was able to spend some time with a Structure 3D sensor, which is used to scan everyday objects and produce 3D models of them. This is quite an experimental piece of technology that we are using to explore the possible applications of 3D models in engineering teaching in SMCSE. We are hoping…Continue Reading 3D Scanning with the iPad
Providing feedback using GradeMark in Turnitin
Audience: City University London staff Our latest reports on Moodle activity show that we had 22 Turnitin assignment submissions due last week with a further 11 submissions due this week. This post highlights how you can provide feedback and grades using Turnitin’s feedback facility – GradeMark. GradeMark has three different mechanisms for providing feedback on…Continue Reading Providing feedback using GradeMark in Turnitin
Giving iPads to students: crazy, genius or both? A three year retrospective
Three years ago in July 2010 shortly after the worldwide launch of the iPad1 the University of Minnesota hit the press for announcing that they would be providing all 450 first year students in their school of education with iPads. This quickly made national and then international news. Three years on they are still providing…Continue Reading Giving iPads to students: crazy, genius or both? A three year retrospective
Twitter in the University Classroom: Live-Tweeting During Lectures
My second blog post reflecting on teaching innovations of 2012 is dedicated to my use of Twitter during one undergraduate module in the year just passed. My original intention, in embedding a Twitter widget within one of my Moodle pages, was merely to issue the occasional message to students to aid communication of, for instance,…Continue Reading Twitter in the University Classroom: Live-Tweeting During Lectures
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): How Staff are Responding to the Mobile Technologies Their Students Bring With Them to Class
The end of the year yields an opportune time to reflect upon various teaching innovations that have been discussed, written about, and presented earlier in the year, but which have not yet been included on the Educational Vignettes website. In this, the first of a series of end-of-year posts, I offer some thumbnail sketches of…Continue Reading Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): How Staff are Responding to the Mobile Technologies Their Students Bring With Them to Class