Digifest 2022 in six screenshots

Screenshot of Ed Fidoe, CEO of the London Interdisciplinary School, talk at Digifest. Depicts screenshot of curriculum map from a typical LIS module.

In the HE digital education conferencing and events space, 2022 has been marked by gradual returns to in-person activities as well as, in some cases, their hybridisation. This was in sharp contrast to the emergency shift to online conferencing (or outright cancellation) that many saw in 2020 and the attempts to improve on and extend…Continue Reading Digifest 2022 in six screenshots

Welcome to, Accessible Lecture Capture

an image that shows an example of the lecture capture signage used in rooms, purpose to give and inviting image to the blog post

“I am delighted to inform you that your application to be an Echo360 Champion was successful. We had a number of very strong applications, but yours was selected because of the relevance of your study, your shared background in educational practice, and your advocacy for Echo360 in recent months.” Dr John Couperthwaite, EMEA Customer Success Manager,…Continue Reading Welcome to, Accessible Lecture Capture

Learning and teaching, reimagined

Jisc DigiFest 2021 logo

Digifest, now online With Jisc being an aggregator of much that happens in the digital education space across the UK higher education (HE) sector – from the Janet network and learning analytics to exploring the intelligent campus and the digital capabilities framework – their annual Digifest is typically the live event where a lot of…Continue Reading Learning and teaching, reimagined

Skyping in to the Intelligent Campus…and more

Graph of features recommended by audience members of possible key featutes for a large lecture theatre in the future

(tl;dr – belated report on two internal events I organised and four I attended at City) Opening the archives Last year, I moved into a new position within LEaD’s Educational Technology Team, becoming a Senior Educational Technologist. The role has a Relationship Lead focus, and is associated with three of City’s schools. This means that…Continue Reading Skyping in to the Intelligent Campus…and more

Jisc’s ‘Intelligent Campus’ comes to City

Jisc Intelligent Campus

  Building on their work in learning analytics, Jisc are working on a research and development project in the area of the intelligent campus. One aspect of the intelligent campus is to look at ways to use data to be able to make smarter use of a university or college estate, for considerations like improving…Continue Reading Jisc’s ‘Intelligent Campus’ comes to City

Getting Better: Interrogating the Smart Campus (2/2)

Chris Pearce speaking at smart campus panel event

(watch the full session above) Over the past couple of years, I’ve been following developments in the area increasingly being defined as the ‘smart campus’ with great interest. It’s a concept that means different things to different people, but to me, it’s largely about the convergence of several trends and emerging technologies across the whole…Continue Reading Getting Better: Interrogating the Smart Campus (2/2)

Co-designing with Jisc

Potential tech futures for education and research (long read alert) How might digital technologies transform education and research by 2020-2030? As City is looking towards the coming decade in our newly-launched Vision and Strategy, Jisc are currently engaged in a consultation process to determine how best to advise and support institutions in preparing to answer this question….Continue Reading Co-designing with Jisc

Sketches for a Smart Campus

Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (from Wikipedia, CC-BY-SA)

1/ Been collecting some thoughts on the #intelligentcampus (or #smartcampus, for character brevity) for @JISC’s #codesign16. #learningspaces — Dom Pates (@dompates) November 23, 2016 A few weeks ago, I noticed on Twitter that JISC was asking for contributions on the subject of ‘the intelligent campus’ (or, ‘the smart campus’, as it’s also known). I’ve been…Continue Reading Sketches for a Smart Campus

Report on the JISC Digifest 2015

Jo Richardson and Mo Pamplin from LEAD attended the JISC Digifest in March 2015, which featured a range of exhibitions, case studies, presentations and workshops themed around educational technologies in further and higher education. The event was well-attended by educational technologists, IT professionals and academics, and generously funded by JISC themselves. It was a great…Continue Reading Report on the JISC Digifest 2015

Leading the Learning Landscape Network

149 institutions participated in Changing the Learning Landscape, a HEFCE funded partnership programme supporting technology enhanced learning change initiatives.  The projects have now finished and the Leading the Learning Landscape Network aims to continue to support those engaged in innovation and experimentation, grow a community of practice and offer practical help to those involved in…Continue Reading Leading the Learning Landscape Network