The second School of Health Sciences Simulated Practice Showcase took place on 6th April 2017 , following the first event back in July 2016. The event was facilitated by Janet Hunter in the School of Health Sciences and Professor Clive Holtham, from the Cass Business School. There were five presentations in all, which covered a…Continue Reading School of Health Sciences Simulated Practice Showcase April 2017
First SHS Simulated Practice Showcase July 2016
On the 13th July, Janet Hunter welcomed members of the School of Health Sciences (SHS), School of Arts and Social Sciences and Cass Business School to the first SHS Simulated Practice Showcase. Neal Sumner (LEaD) facilitated the session and lead the concluding discussion. @JHunterCity and @nealsumner kick off #cityunisimshowcase for @CityUniHealth 26 ppl attending @r_a_knight…Continue Reading First SHS Simulated Practice Showcase July 2016
Showcasing excellent teaching and learning at Cass Business School
On 7th May 2014, the Cass Business School held its fourth annual Teaching and Learning Showcase. Themed on excellence in teaching and learning, it featured inspiring talks from Cass lecturers, as well as colleagues from other Schools at City University London. The showcase was jointly organised by key members of the Cass Teaching and Learning…Continue Reading Showcasing excellent teaching and learning at Cass Business School
The first episode in the Educational Vignettes podcast – an interview with Dr Keith Pond from the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University
Presenting the first episode in our Educational Vignettes podcast series! With the Cass learning development showcase coming up on May 22nd, and themed on ‘Efficient and Effective Feedback’, Sandra and I (at the LDC) carried out a sector review of other business schools across the country, to see how they were performing in terms of…Continue Reading The first episode in the Educational Vignettes podcast – an interview with Dr Keith Pond from the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University