Tag: Student Experience

Twitter in the University Classroom: Live-Tweeting During Lectures

Chris Wiley - Live-Tweeting During Lectures

My second blog post reflecting on teaching innovations of 2012 is dedicated to my use of Twitter during one undergraduate module in the year just passed. My original intention, in embedding a Twitter widget within one of my Moodle pages, was merely to issue the occasional message to students to aid communication of, for instance,…Continue Reading Twitter in the University Classroom: Live-Tweeting During Lectures

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): How Staff are Responding to the Mobile Technologies Their Students Bring With Them to Class

Punk rock lecture

The end of the year yields an opportune time to reflect upon various teaching innovations that have been discussed, written about, and presented earlier in the year, but which have not yet been included on the Educational Vignettes website. In this, the first of a series of end-of-year posts, I offer some thumbnail sketches of…Continue Reading Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): How Staff are Responding to the Mobile Technologies Their Students Bring With Them to Class

Moodle 2: The look and feel of it

As the case with all SLE Working groups, the Moodle look and feel working group have also been busy paving the way to a new look and feel of Moodle with the emphasis on making it a good ‘user‘ experience. All of this work is being done taking into account schools and their requirements as…Continue Reading Moodle 2: The look and feel of it

Use of the Personal Response System for Formative Assessment in Optometry: Dr Byki Huntjens and Dr Steve Gruppetta

With the recent founding of the University Personal Response System (PRS) Steering Group, co-chaired by Dr Siân Lindsay and Farzana Latif, this would seem to be an opportune time to profile one of the innovative approaches implemented within the University in using PRS technology for formative assessment. Dr Byki Huntjens and Dr Steve Gruppetta are…Continue Reading Use of the Personal Response System for Formative Assessment in Optometry: Dr Byki Huntjens and Dr Steve Gruppetta

A Case Study of Interim Assessment in SEMS: Mary Aylmer


Mary Aylmer is a visiting lecturer in the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (SEMS), teaching the CAD part of the module CV1407 IT skills, Communication, and CAD. She has developed an assessment pattern in which students produce five pieces of CAD coursework, each of which involves completing engineering drawings. There are two interim submissions…Continue Reading A Case Study of Interim Assessment in SEMS: Mary Aylmer

Using Debate as a Teaching Format

Three years ago at a City University Creativity Workshop I met Kirsten Hardie who teaches Design at Arts University College of Bournemouth. She told me about a method she had invented called “On Trial.” By coincidence, in working with a group of City teachers recently, they quite unprompted suggested the use of a debate format…Continue Reading Using Debate as a Teaching Format

Innovation in Assessment and Feedback

My dual role as University Learning Development Associate in Assessment & Feedback and Senior Lecturer in Music has led me to run several pilot projects in my teaching this academic year (2011-12), exemplifying innovative approaches to the practices surrounding assessment and feedback. Three case studies are given below. (1) Using wikis in Moodle to track…Continue Reading Innovation in Assessment and Feedback

Review: SACWG seminar, ‘The efficiency and effectiveness of assessment in challenging times’

On Thursday 24 November 2011, the Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG) hosted a one-day seminar, ‘The efficiency and effectiveness of assessment in challenging times’ at Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London.  To open the seminar, Dr Marie Stowell (University of Worcester) set out the context for the day in her presentation ‘Efficiency and effectiveness…Continue Reading Review: SACWG seminar, ‘The efficiency and effectiveness of assessment in challenging times’

The Young Uns: Inducting New students to the University

A first ever GM City webinar was held in July and there were 13  participants online. This session consisted of the following: Introduction by me A student perspective on Inductions by Amish Patel( now  ex- President of the Student Union) A City case study Sara Jones from Masters in Innovation, Creativity & Leadership An overview…Continue Reading The Young Uns: Inducting New students to the University