I recently attended one of the three days of the 9th Conference of the European Association for Teaching Academic Writing, hosted this year by Royal Holloway, University of London. As an Academic Learning Support Tutor, this conference is about as closely related to my work as it gets. As some of the day was…Continue Reading Teaching academic writing: a conference in seven tweets
Moodle 3.2: Smaller changes that can have a big impact on staff and students
This blog post will focus on small changes and improvements that can make difference to your experience of using Moodle. The list below presents useful features that help you to work more effectively with the basic tools such as Assignment, Forum, Choice Activity and Lesson. Pin discussion posts Important forum posts can now be…Continue Reading Moodle 3.2: Smaller changes that can have a big impact on staff and students
Unlocking the future of Higher Education – King’s Online conference
On Monday 24th April, King’s College London hosted the inaugural King’s Online conference – Unlocking the Future of Higher Education. Anna Wood, Director of King’s Online, opened the event by questioning why Higher Education had been slow to embrace the opportunities offered by technology. She suggested that it was due to lack of investment in…Continue Reading Unlocking the future of Higher Education – King’s Online conference
Upgrading the Lecture Capture System at City, University of London
Lecture Capture is being upgraded this summer and users will benefit from a more user-friendly interface, new features and an improved experience for City, University of London’s staff and students. Why is this happening? The current platform Echo System Server (ESS) will no longer be supported by the provider, Echo360, from the end of this…Continue Reading Upgrading the Lecture Capture System at City, University of London
Moodle 3.2: User Tours
We are very excited about a new User Tours feature on Moodle that will provide more contextual help when using Moodle for both staff and students. This new feature, allows users to create walkthroughs that will bring engaging and informative experiences in Moodle. In Moodle 3.2 user tours will be presented in the form of…Continue Reading Moodle 3.2: User Tours
UCISA Spotlight on Digital Capabilities
This is my first blog post for the Department of Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) at City, University of London, having started as Senior Lecturer in Educational Development shortly after Easter. I’m settling in well and have been made to feel very welcome by everyone in LEaD. Last week I attended the first day of…Continue Reading UCISA Spotlight on Digital Capabilities
Bring Your Own Lunch Webinars: Delivering Professional Development to Your Desk
LEaD Webinar Series Working in Higher Education can leave many of us pressured for time, juggling competing priorities and making it difficult to engage with continuing professional development. With this in mind, the Educational Technology Team has been investigating creative solutions for delivering high-quality development opportunities for City staff. Having explored the potential of interactive…Continue Reading Bring Your Own Lunch Webinars: Delivering Professional Development to Your Desk
Learning analytics, personal tutoring and belonging: highlights from the 2017 UKAT conference
In April I attended the annual United Kingdom Advising and Tutoring (UKAT) conference at Leeds Trinity University. UKAT is a body of professional practitioners and researchers interested in all aspects of student advising and personal tutoring in Further and Higher Education. What follows are my reflections on the workshops and presentations I attended at the…Continue Reading Learning analytics, personal tutoring and belonging: highlights from the 2017 UKAT conference
Moodle 3.2: Global Search
Global Search will enable you to Moodle it, rather than Google it! The Global Search feature lets you search for content on Moodle that you have permission to access. You can search for your modules, activity information and some activity content including; forum posts, Moodle book chapters, glossary entries or collaborative wikis pages. You can…Continue Reading Moodle 3.2: Global Search
Reflections in Time and Twitter: a walk of City’s Learning Spaces
As part of the Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group (MELSIG) lunchtime Twitter walk activity, members of staff at City took part in our first Twitter Walk, or Twalk yesterday afternoon. The basic premise was similar to reflective walks that academics may have taken in the medieval times in the cloisters (Latin for enclosure) in universities…Continue Reading Reflections in Time and Twitter: a walk of City’s Learning Spaces