The Learning Analytics Project (LeAP) at City is exploring how Learning Analytics can be used to improve students’ educational experience and support the institution’s education performance indicators relating to progression and attainment.
Over the last year, the LeAP project team focused on reviewing a system that was developed by the Jisc Effective Learning Analytics Project. The LeAP team ran consultations with staff and students. Staff explored the system (Data Explorer) and provided feedback on usability, usefulness and reliability of data. The student consultation investigated how students felt about the use of their data from an ethical perspective and what they expected from a Learning Analytics service.
For this academic year, LeAP will continue to explore the Jisc staff facing application (Data Explorer) and evaluate the Jisc student facing application (Study Goal). The team will also investigate the types of interventions that could be used to support students based on insights from Learning Analytics. Another focus of this project will be to review the Learning Analytics market with a view to comparing Learning Analytics systems to ensure that we choose the right one for City. The project will conclude with a set of recommendations on how City should proceed with Learning Analytics.
LeAP has connections and interdependencies with other projects taking place across the University, in particular the Student Engagement and Attendance Monitoring (SEAM) and Management Information (MI) projects under the Modernising Administration for Students (MAfS) banner. LEaD, IT and Student & Academic Services are working together closely to ensure that requirements and objectives across all areas are included.
If you would like further information about LeAP, please contact Mimi Weiss Johnson (