Year: 2024

NEW: Learning and Teaching induction from LEaD

City university staff sat at tables chatting with staff from LEaD

  On Monday, 16th December. The Learning Enhancement and Development directorate (LEaD) organised a staff learning and teaching induction event, aimed primarily at new City St. Georges staff involved in learning and teaching but open to anyone who wanted to know about what we do. The event began with a warm welcome and by Professor…Continue Reading NEW: Learning and Teaching induction from LEaD

AI voice-cloning to help my sick friend speak again

Digital soundwaves

Adam Lopez is 52 years old and lives in Toronto Canada with his wife, daughter and pet dog Ringo. Adam has been my best friend for 35 years. In October 2021, he developed a sore throat. It persisted for a few weeks and so he decided to go to the doctors. What he thought was…Continue Reading AI voice-cloning to help my sick friend speak again

Take Action for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day for Persons with Disabilities official logo

3 December marks the United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), an annual opportunity to reflect on and promote the rights, well-being, and inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of life. Established in 1992, the IDPD seeks to raise awareness of disability issues and mobilise support for creating a more inclusive…Continue Reading Take Action for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Prepare for the new academic year – Support your students’ academic and technical skills

Student EdTech Guides.

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our last post and will cover the support available to your students to use digital technologies and academic skills at City St George’s. In an earlier post, we looked at Learning With Moodle, which introduces students…Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – Support your students’ academic and technical skills

Being a Teams-player will boost your employability!

By now you would have heard about Microsoft Teams at least once, whether it’s for a module’s collaboration, an online lecture or presenting your work in a 1:1 meeting. Teams is a tool that rarely goes unused when in university and especially, when in the workplace. The tool makes working and studying a collaborative, engaging…Continue Reading Being a Teams-player will boost your employability!

Prepare for the new academic year – view student lists on your module

A filtered list of participants with all users selected

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our (lucky) thirteenth post and looks at how you can filter the Participants list on Moodle to view a list of students on your module and how to view them on the photo grid. Filter the…Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – view student lists on your module

Skills-based assessments with subjective marking criteria – A case study from City Law School

An open notebook on a blue table with a hand holding a pencil and ticking off boxes of written text.

How to deal with subjective assessment criteria The problem: This is a challenge many of us face when marking assessments where we are required to determine if a student’s work is “effective” or their delivery demonstrates the skills of a “good advocate” and ultimately: competent. On the professional programmes in The City Law School, students…Continue Reading Skills-based assessments with subjective marking criteria – A case study from City Law School

Prepare for the new academic year – Support your students to use Moodle

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our twelfth post and will cover the support available to your students to use Moodle. Learning With Moodle Module The Learning with Moodle module is available to all students and introduces them to all the major…Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – Support your students to use Moodle

A visualiser is for active teaching and learning.

a picture of a blue hands-up sign

“You see, Baldrick, this pencil is not just for writing. It’s for pointing out stupidity, stirring tea, and, if the situation calls for it, making tiny holes in annoying people’s portraits.”  Blackadder BBC. To paraphrase Blackadder: a visualiser is not just for projecting bits of paper. It’s for scaffolding learning, thinking aloud, and, if the…Continue Reading A visualiser is for active teaching and learning.

Prepare for the new academic year – Programme administrator roles

moodle logo

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our eleventh post and looks at the two different programme administrator roles available to support staff on Moodle. Programme administrator roles The introduction of Moodle 4 in July 2023 meant some changes to the programme admininistrator…Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – Programme administrator roles