Category: Conferences & Events

Quality Street

  It doesn’t go unnoticed that those ‘in the know’ proffer a wry smile at the annual QAA event ‘quality matters’. It is a play on words akin to that contained within Christmas crackers, Carlton cards and the oft-maligned ‘dad joke’. But it also undermines the simple fact that quality does matter.   In higher…Continue Reading Quality Street

School of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – May 2016

Following the success of the 1st Teaching and Learning Innovators Event in January, we as LEaD at SHS put on the 2nd Teaching and Learning Innovators Event on Monday 23rd May 12-1pm, focused around mobile learning. 20 people attended. #cityshstl 2nd T&L event running @CityUniHealth @thehealthflash and Betty Matthew presenting – great turnout! —…Continue Reading School of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – May 2016

SEDA Spring Teaching and Learning and Assessment Conference 2016 Innovations in Assessment and Feedback Practice 12th -13th May 2016 Edinburgh

The conference topic innovations in assessment was clearly a popular choice despite there having been a lot of dissemination of assessment developments over the last decade. It seems that whilst there has been many advances in this area there is still evidence that practice could be further enhanced. The conference provided an opportunity to hear…Continue Reading SEDA Spring Teaching and Learning and Assessment Conference 2016 Innovations in Assessment and Feedback Practice 12th -13th May 2016 Edinburgh

INTED 2016 Conference (International Technology, Education and Development) Monday 7th March and Tuesday 8th March

This conference is a large international education conference that provides an opportunity to share projects and practice related to teaching and learning methodologies, experiences in relation to technology and educational innovation projects. The participants come from a range of countries as demonstrated by the pins in the map. Attendees range from those involved in primary…Continue Reading INTED 2016 Conference (International Technology, Education and Development) Monday 7th March and Tuesday 8th March

Walking the City

Now in its third year, the Culture Capital Exchange (TCCE) is hosting a three day Walking the City event.  This event brings together a diverse range of creative and innovative walks taking place around the capital. The variety of walk themes include: London’s natural spaces, the Sounds of Early Modern Theatre, a public salon on feminism and criticism, an experimental…Continue Reading Walking the City

Staff Training @ Homerton University Hospital: How to Identify and Support Students with Specific Learning Differences (SpLDs)

Welcome to Homerton Hospital

We are Neil Goldwasser and Emma Allsopp, Dyslexia Support Tutors within Learning Success @ LEaD. We recently visited Homerton University Hospital, in response to a training request from the Nursing Education Facilitator. The attendees were mentors for student nurses, midwives and allied health professionals. Our aims were to develop their awareness and strategies in order…Continue Reading Staff Training @ Homerton University Hospital: How to Identify and Support Students with Specific Learning Differences (SpLDs)

Congratulations and celebrations – Postgraduate Research Symposium

Thursday 17th March 2016 marked the sixth anniversary of the annual Postgraduate research symposium organised by LEaD and the Graduate School. The event was held at Cass Business School for the second year running and attracted a range of over 30 varied and interesting research papers and posters from all schools across City University. The…Continue Reading Congratulations and celebrations – Postgraduate Research Symposium

Educational Multimedia Group – 28th October 2015

The first Educational Multimedia Group (EMG) meeting of the academic year ran on 28th October 2015. School of Health Sciences Library Treasure Hunt – Catherine Radbourne and Steve McCombe Steve McCombe from LEaD, and Catherine Radbourne from Library Services, presented a recent project they had worked on to create a pirate-themed treasure hunt for Health…Continue Reading Educational Multimedia Group – 28th October 2015

HEA conference Feb 2016

 I attended the Higher Education Academy (HEA) conference transforming teaching in health and social care 24/25th February 2016  and presented on the flipped classroom. There were a number of sessions and posters on the value and practical use of flipped classroom, which is becoming more common in health and social care teaching. Here are a few notes…Continue Reading HEA conference Feb 2016

Poll Everywhere User Group, meeting #1

On 8 February I attended the inaugural Poll Everywhere User Group meeting at Regent’s University. The group was set up by  and of the University of West London, “for educational users of Poll Everywhere in the UK…. primarily for staff in FE & HE”*.  Matt had shown me Poll Everywhere when he worked…Continue Reading Poll Everywhere User Group, meeting #1