Category: Learning design

Enhancing Inclusive Learning through Digital Innovation: A Case Study in Optometry Education, aligned with the revised PSF

Introduction The revised 2023 Advance HE Professional Standards (PSF) emphasise the use of educational and learning technologies. This is underpinned by principles of inclusive practice to support learning, for example in core knowledge dimension 4 (K4). This dimension asks individuals applying for any level of Advance HE Fellowship (Associate, Fellow, Senior, or Principal) to “apply…Continue Reading Enhancing Inclusive Learning through Digital Innovation: A Case Study in Optometry Education, aligned with the revised PSF

Prepare for the new academic year – Module checklist and graduate attributes

A written checklist

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our seventh post and will cover the module checklist and the new addition of graduate attributes. Moodle module checklist for 2024-25  LEAD’s Digital Education team has updated the Moodle module checklist for 2024-25. The checklist shares…Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – Module checklist and graduate attributes

Ten years, ten highlights

Yesterday marked a full decade since I started working at this university. The Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) department was officially launched on my second day in the job, at an on-campus event with LEaD cupcakes, leaderships speeches and aspirations of where things had come from and what we were to become. The annual Learning…Continue Reading Ten years, ten highlights

Building blocks for ‘City 2030’

Two tables of women in discussion at a workshop. Both tables have three people at them. There is a display of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals on the wall behind the tables.

A co-design climate workshop This is the second of two posts about ‘City 2030’, the proposed undergraduate interdisciplinary module on climate change and sustainability. Click here to read the first one. Titled ‘Co-creating Climate Curricula’, the Learning at City 2023 workshop looked to bring staff and students together to start work on what a first…Continue Reading Building blocks for ‘City 2030’

Enhanced Support for Hybrid Teaching using Student Co-Pilots

Remote speaker with in-room facilitatr

Building upon previous assessments of staff and student experiences with ISLA at City University of London, wherein staff conveyed a requirement for improved and prompt technical support within the classroom during hybrid teaching sessions, this communication serves as an update on a subsequent evaluation carried out on the Citywide ISLA Co-Pilot support program. The evaluation,…Continue Reading Enhanced Support for Hybrid Teaching using Student Co-Pilots

Are you using Teams Sites with your students?

4 benefits to using Teams Sites to help students connect and collaborate in their Learning?

If the answer is Yes then please make contact with the City Digital Education Team. We are really keen to collate recent case studies of modules that have used Teams Sites that help students along with their Moodle Modules.  Here’s why Teams Sites can be a helpful addition to your Moodle Module. Teams Sites can…Continue Reading Are you using Teams Sites with your students?

A realistic look at EdTech, common misconceptions, and how to prepare for the future

Educational technology holds great promise, yet many academics and university managers still have reservations. In this published article by Media and Learning, I take a look at the most common ed-tech myths and provide research-backed strategies for future learning technology. Edtech misconceptions are common but can be overcome with evidence and evaluation. With training and…Continue Reading A realistic look at EdTech, common misconceptions, and how to prepare for the future

Enhancing Presentation Assessments: A Successful Transition to Online Submission

Introduction In September 2022, Petra Chipperfield, the Programme Director of Nursing Studies, approached LEaD’s Digital Education Team with a request to support a change in the way they conducted their presentation assessments for the 2022/23 academic year. In collaboration with my colleague Geraldine Foley, we embarked on a journey to revolutionise their assessment process. This…Continue Reading Enhancing Presentation Assessments: A Successful Transition to Online Submission

New module on the MA in Academic Practice: Assessment Design and Feedback

Have you ever wanted to talk about assessment and feedback but are wary of stepping into uncertain territory and potentially moving away from established norms? Assessment is considered critical to students’ learning and as a means of recording their performance, but it is also one of the most complex aspects for practitioners working in higher…Continue Reading New module on the MA in Academic Practice: Assessment Design and Feedback

Learning design and development for a blended programme moving fully online

Learning design storyboard screenshot

LEaD’s Digital education team have been working with civil engineering academics to support them in re-designing a programme which changed from a blended to a fully online mode of delivery. The project ran from March 2021 to April 2023; this post covers how we worked with the programme team, from design to development to delivery…Continue Reading Learning design and development for a blended programme moving fully online