Category: Learning Technologies

Digital Literacies JISC Workshop. Bristol 6th October 2011.

JISC Design Studio This was one of a series of JISC workshops rolled out across the UK this year ‘to support the development and implementation of institutional approaches to digital literacies across the entire workforce and including students’. It was expertly facilitated by Helen Beetham, Greg Benfield and Paul Bailey, who introduced us to a…Continue Reading Digital Literacies JISC Workshop. Bristol 6th October 2011.

CitySpace Switchoff Party

After 8 years of service to the University, CitySpace has been switched off.  This event was commemorated with the collection of obituary entries on this blog from staff and students and a small party. CitySpace, formerly known as City Online Learning, used the operating system WebCT Vista and was first used on courses at City…Continue Reading CitySpace Switchoff Party

GradeMark from the Staff Perspective

I heard a great presentation from Cath Ellis from University of Huddersfield on introducing an e-submission policy and using Turnitin’s online marking tool GradeMark as part of the Maximising Turnitin session in June. Prior to using GradeMark, Cath felt that her feedback was inconsistent. For the first five essays she might have corrected a mistake…Continue Reading GradeMark from the Staff Perspective

CitySpace Obituary: Dilip Parmar

Dilip Parmer is Learning Support Officer at Cass Business School They say you never forget your first love and I shall never forget my first e-learning ‘experience’ which happened to be Cityspace. Like a fumbling teenager, I unclipped the gradebook and uncovered a whole new world of weighted gradings and datatypes. I was in heaven….Continue Reading CitySpace Obituary: Dilip Parmar

CitySpace Obituary

Member of staff, School of Informatics Memories and conversations I have had: in Haiku form and other dialogue snippets. Crashed on sign-in Java update? Again? What the…? Can’t use back button Patch ruins tools Call BlackBoard. Am then told: “You are teaching wrong” Staff whine constantly As if I am responsible for this travesty  “I…Continue Reading CitySpace Obituary

CitySpace Obituary: Monika Eady

Monika Eady is Computer Services Manager at City Law School (CLS) I have been involved with CitySpace (WebCT) throughout. Before it was introduced I used to upload student materials on the website every Friday afternoon. Initially I continued to do so with the new tool, but over the years the academic staff got the hang…Continue Reading CitySpace Obituary: Monika Eady

The Young Uns: Inducting New students to the University

A first ever GM City webinar was held in July and there were 13  participants online. This session consisted of the following: Introduction by me A student perspective on Inductions by Amish Patel( now  ex- President of the Student Union) A City case study Sara Jones from Masters in Innovation, Creativity & Leadership An overview…Continue Reading The Young Uns: Inducting New students to the University

CitySpace Obituary: Matthew Eanor

Matthew Eanor, former member of staff, Learning Development Centre Ah, CitySpace – such fond memories I have of you. I remember how much of my time you ate up as I tried to fit our esoteric undergrad and postgrad programme structures into your inflexible module system. I remember the annual processions of students we had…Continue Reading CitySpace Obituary: Matthew Eanor