Category: Students & Learning

Developing online teaching and learning

Planning a fully online course takes significant time and resources Unfortunately, coronavirus means that everyone is being asked to develop online solutions to ensure continuity of teaching. The Educational Technology Team in LEaD have put together some brief guidance which we hope will help you to transition your face-to-face teaching online. Don’t try to replicate…Continue Reading Developing online teaching and learning

Call for Abstracts : Learning at City Conference – NOW OPEN

LEaD is pleased to open the Call for Abstracts, for the Learning at City Conference, which takes place on the 1st and 2nd July 2020 at City, University of London. There is much discussion about teaching excellence with the introduction of the TEF however the key to this is teaching that inspires. Cohen & Jurkovic (1997)…Continue Reading Call for Abstracts : Learning at City Conference – NOW OPEN

What Type of Learning Spaces Should We Design for our Students?

With reference to recent posts on the event last autumn at Orangebox on SmartLearning, it reminded me just how important this subject really is, and its relevance for City, with planning for the creation of more large lecture theatres to cater for ever growing numbers of students. Often identified as iGen, these are our students,…Continue Reading What Type of Learning Spaces Should We Design for our Students?

Let’s Get Active – in January 2020, with 12 new DALI Pods, more whiteboard space and lecture capture comes to the seminar room

  The Designing Active Learning Initiative (DALI) project, spent the winter obtaining feedback from staff on their experiences of teaching in B200 and Franklin, thanks to all staff who contributed. We are thrilled to tell you that by the end of January, 12 more teaching spaces have been reviewed. All of these learning spaces (seminar, small lecture rooms and…Continue Reading Let’s Get Active – in January 2020, with 12 new DALI Pods, more whiteboard space and lecture capture comes to the seminar room

Study skills workshops, February 2020

LEaD’s study skills programme for February 2020 is now finalised and the full details are here. As you’ll see, the programme covers dissertation skills, essay writing, research methods, referencing and more.  Most of the sessions are open to all students but a few are School-specific, as shown. Please could you share this information with your…Continue Reading Study skills workshops, February 2020

Autumn Teaching Innovators’ event: Leonie Fleischmann and the teaching activities toolkit

Small group teaching online toolkit

Last week the LEaD School of Health Sciences (SHS)  and School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) School Liaison Team ran its Autumn term Innovators’ session. We had the pleasure of hearing about SASS lecturer Leonie Fleischmann’s online toolkit of teaching activities, which she developed in collaboration with LEaD….Continue Reading Autumn Teaching Innovators’ event: Leonie Fleischmann and the teaching activities toolkit

Getting to know the ‘sticky’ campus

SmartLearning Text

“We live in a world where the workforces of today and tomorrow need to continuously learn and constantly reskill in order to flourish ina newly peripatetic and ever-changing job market place. We, as a society can therefore no longer afford to think of education as something that occurs primarily in our formative years”. Nathan Hurley,…Continue Reading Getting to know the ‘sticky’ campus

Advancing HE in Aston: 10 Things

Keynote speaker at conference venue, pictured from the audience

  This is the second post in my #ArchiveReflections series – a collection of blog posts that look back on events that I’ve participated in in some way but not yet managed to write about. In the summer of 2018, I presented a workshop at the Advance HE Teaching and Learning conference, titled ‘Learning to…Continue Reading Advancing HE in Aston: 10 Things

Supporting Student Success for flexible/distance learning

How can we support student success? Julie Voce, Dom Pates and Rae Bowdler attended a workshop by the University of London (UoL) Centre for Distance Education (CDE) to find out. The programme grappled with various big-ticket items such as how we explore retention and progression in the management of flexible learning, through to using various…Continue Reading Supporting Student Success for flexible/distance learning

Knitting, video games, learning and teaching

A short piece of knitting, two needles. Balls of red and green wool

I realised that I had fully become an educational technologist this autumn. Whereas I previously would have been able to watch a YouTube clip about video games or show someone how to knit without a second thought, both experiences have now led me to reflect on my own experiences of learning and teaching. A few…Continue Reading Knitting, video games, learning and teaching