Tag: coaching

Using coaching to reflect on teaching

Earlier this year I was, as usual, feeling very busy with teaching, marking, meetings and other stuff and I was concerned that I was not being as innovative as I could be in the teaching of the modules I am responsible for. I felt I needed a very slight reboot of some kind but felt too busy…Continue Reading Using coaching to reflect on teaching

LEaD Coaching: A personal experience

When I submitted an application for LEaD fellowship coaching I’m not sure I really knew what to expect. What I asked for was support to develop interactive teaching for larger groups of students. What I got was Dilly. Having chatted to Anise over coffee, to discuss options, she matched me with Dilly as my main…Continue Reading LEaD Coaching: A personal experience

LEaD Fellows Coaching

“I found coaching to be immensely helpful, restorative and motivational. It has given me fresh verve and energy.” “It was an excellent experience and has helped me to reflect on my career development and teaching.” Feedback from LEaD Coaching Fellows   This year, the LEaD fellowship scheme allowed four academics from School of Health Sciences…Continue Reading LEaD Fellows Coaching

LEaD Coaching Fellowships

LEaD fellows are currently being matched with coaches to work with them over this year to develop their teaching practice.  The coaching is a safe, confidential space used as an educational development and reflective practice tool.  In partnership with coaches the fellows will reflect on their educational role, explore their teaching and take the next…Continue Reading LEaD Coaching Fellowships

Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice

We are now recruiting participants for the Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice module that will run as a double module as part of the MA Academic Practice from January 2016. Increasingly work in the HE sector is characterised by continuous change and uncertainty with high expectations and decreasing resources.  Consequently, it is vital for staff…Continue Reading Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice

Call for LEaD Development Grant Applications

Audience: City University London academics LEaD Fellowship Grant LEaD Fellowship grants provide a new opportunity for you to reflect on and examine your teaching practice. Apply for one of these grants and be awarded £1,000 which will be used to engage an external coach to work with you.  This coaching is a safe, confidential space…Continue Reading Call for LEaD Development Grant Applications

The Science Behind Learning in the Outdoors

In LEaD we have a strong track record of using walking as an educational development tool.  This accessible and enlightening Farscape webinar explores the science behind learning in the outdoors.  It draws on a variety of academic sources including neuroscience, leadership theory and attention restoration theory.  Farscape offer leadership development through experiential learning.  They engage in…Continue Reading The Science Behind Learning in the Outdoors

Powerpoints are not the only Route

I was very surprised to be contacted recently by an experienced lecturer who seemed flustered at being asked to present at a professional body event. This was someone who lectures a lot at the university and even at professional conferences. But they had been given four constraints by the organisers for the 15 minute session:…Continue Reading Powerpoints are not the only Route

Module evaluation discussions

City introduced a policy earlier this year where there will be a more formal mechanism for tying in student module evaluations to staff appraisals.   In some cases, Heads of Department (or their nominees) may wish to discuss the results of student evaluations with staff and so the LDC drafted some guidance to support this and to…Continue Reading Module evaluation discussions

Point B: A Short Guide to Leading a Big Change

Peter Bregman (2007) Point B: A Short Guide to Leading a Big Change, Space for Change, New York Change is notoriously difficult to manage.  This guide won’t make change easy or problem free but it will give great insight, tools and strategies that increase chances of success. This guide refers to a big change but…Continue Reading Point B: A Short Guide to Leading a Big Change