Tag: LeAP

New Learning Analytics Pilot System to help identify students needing support

Pic of learning analytics

LEaD and IT have launched a new Learning Analytics Pilot System, to help staff identify students who may not be engaging with their studies, in order to provide them with tailored support.  The dashboard provides staff with Moodle engagement data and formal assessment results. Work is also underway to incorporate other data sources, such as attendance.   The…Continue Reading New Learning Analytics Pilot System to help identify students needing support

Learning Analytics at the Civitas Learning International Innovation Summit

Last month, I attended an event held by Civitas Learning, a provider of learning analytics software, which involved two panel sessions looking at different aspects of implementing learning analytics. The first session focussed on Learning Analytics and Policy and had representation from Jisc, Buckinghamshire New University and Universities UK. Phil Richards from Jisc opened the…Continue Reading Learning Analytics at the Civitas Learning International Innovation Summit

Using Learning Analytics to benefit City’s students

Learning Analytics Project (LeAP)

Learning Analytics is a hot topic across the higher education sector. If you are a regular Learning at City blog reader you may have spotted Natalia Czuba’s recent report sharing research findings presented during October’s Critical Learning Analytics Seminar, organised by the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE). Last week, the Learning Analytic Project…Continue Reading Using Learning Analytics to benefit City’s students