Tag: reflection

Reflections in Time and Twitter: a walk of City’s Learning Spaces

As part of the Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group (MELSIG) lunchtime Twitter walk activity, members of staff at City took part in our first Twitter Walk, or Twalk yesterday afternoon. The basic premise was similar to reflective walks that academics may have taken in the medieval times in the cloisters (Latin for enclosure) in universities…Continue Reading Reflections in Time and Twitter: a walk of City’s Learning Spaces

Learning with blogs

The theme for this month’s LEaD Writing Group was – Learning with blogs. We explored our own experiences together with observations of how our students have learnt with blogs. A number of themes emerged: Learning through reading Blogs can provide a good source of information and a way to get different views on the world….Continue Reading Learning with blogs

Video for learning: interactivity

In this series of blog posts I am looking through the enhancements to Mediaspace, City’s online platform for creating, sharing and publishing educational video, which have been implemented this summer. One of the chief enhancements is the launch of the Video Quiz, a completely new tool in Mediaspace, which is accessble either through mediaspace.city.ac.uk or…Continue Reading Video for learning: interactivity

LEaD Coaching: A personal experience

When I submitted an application for LEaD fellowship coaching I’m not sure I really knew what to expect. What I asked for was support to develop interactive teaching for larger groups of students. What I got was Dilly. Having chatted to Anise over coffee, to discuss options, she matched me with Dilly as my main…Continue Reading LEaD Coaching: A personal experience

LEaD Fellows Coaching

“I found coaching to be immensely helpful, restorative and motivational. It has given me fresh verve and energy.” “It was an excellent experience and has helped me to reflect on my career development and teaching.” Feedback from LEaD Coaching Fellows   This year, the LEaD fellowship scheme allowed four academics from School of Health Sciences…Continue Reading LEaD Fellows Coaching

Murder, diamonds and walking: using walks in your teaching practice through an exploration of Hatton Garden

Hatton Garden boasts a rich and colourful history.  It is known as the jewelry quarter and is the site of infamous crimes such as the recent Hatton Garden heist or the 17th century murder memorialised by Bleeding Heart Yard.  Many layers of history, extremes of poverty and wealth, and change are shared in the buildings such…Continue Reading Murder, diamonds and walking: using walks in your teaching practice through an exploration of Hatton Garden

The Walking Reading Group and Beyond

The highly successful Walking Reading Group, facilitated by Lydia Ashman, Ania Bas and Simone Mair, finished it’s current iteration of walks with a flurry of activity this month.  Events included a suite of walks in Bilbao, a ‘Walking as Resistance’ walk around parliament and the surrounding area with texts and themes arising from the Human Rights…Continue Reading The Walking Reading Group and Beyond