Tag: Students

Horizons in Legal Education at City

The City Law School Building - exterior

An overview of LEaD’s support and collaboration with City Law School This post summarises the breadth of LEaD’s support and showcases our commitment to equitable and inclusive learning, working in partnership with colleagues in the City Law School. Digital Accessibility LEaD continues to innovate in creating media-rich, high-quality resources of high quality for the Law…Continue Reading Horizons in Legal Education at City

The Great Student AI Debate

In December, City’s Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Task and Finish Group and City Students’ Union (SU) held the first inter-society debate to explore what place AI has in education. The debate was hosted by the City Debating Society and included representatives from four student societies: UX.City, IEEE City Robotics Society, Computer Science Society and Data…Continue Reading The Great Student AI Debate

Are you using Teams Sites with your students?

4 benefits to using Teams Sites to help students connect and collaborate in their Learning?

If the answer is Yes then please make contact with the City Digital Education Team. We are really keen to collate recent case studies of modules that have used Teams Sites that help students along with their Moodle Modules.  Here’s why Teams Sites can be a helpful addition to your Moodle Module. Teams Sites can…Continue Reading Are you using Teams Sites with your students?

Developing Student Skills For The Future – Give Them Space

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, higher education was facing huge challenges in how to respond to a difficult financial and divergent sociopolitical situation; in what way should universities adapt to an uncertain future? One strategic approach is to think about what is important for the learning and development of our students and then decide how…Continue Reading Developing Student Skills For The Future – Give Them Space

Caption Ed as a tool for City students to leverage live captions and note taking, a student review

Caption Ed was first created aiming to help students with disabilities more easily interpret audio content, however, with subsequent updates, the tool’s functionalities have been extended into the realm of notetaking and the Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) team is currently considering adding it to its range of assistive technologies. Setting up You will find…Continue Reading Caption Ed as a tool for City students to leverage live captions and note taking, a student review

What has been our student’s experience learning online during the pandemic?

We have been asking our students a range of questions using the Jisc Digital Experience Insights Survey so we can better understand what their experience has been of learning online throughout the pandemic and will be following up with the staff survey soon. The student survey launched on Wednesday 14th April and will run until…Continue Reading What has been our student’s experience learning online during the pandemic?

LEaD Digital Education at City

Digital Education, the new name for the Educational Technology Team within LEaD Introducing LEaD Digital Education The LEaD Educational Technology Team have a new name! In light of the changes that have occurred over the past year and the increase in prominence of digital education both at City and across the education sector, we thought…Continue Reading LEaD Digital Education at City

Is chat where it’s at? 

With the rapid shift to online teaching, it is easy to forget that we’re now communicating with our students via software that was, in many cases, designed for business meetings rather than for education.  A key feature of some of these platforms (a Microsoft Teams Meeting, for example) is dual-stream communication: speech and text in parallel, in the form of a spoken presentation and a chat thread.  But…Continue Reading Is chat where it’s at? 

Getting to know the ‘sticky’ campus

SmartLearning Text

“We live in a world where the workforces of today and tomorrow need to continuously learn and constantly reskill in order to flourish ina newly peripatetic and ever-changing job market place. We, as a society can therefore no longer afford to think of education as something that occurs primarily in our formative years”. Nathan Hurley,…Continue Reading Getting to know the ‘sticky’ campus

Supporting Student Success for flexible/distance learning

How can we support student success? Julie Voce, Dom Pates and Rae Bowdler attended a workshop by the University of London (UoL) Centre for Distance Education (CDE) to find out. The programme grappled with various big-ticket items such as how we explore retention and progression in the management of flexible learning, through to using various…Continue Reading Supporting Student Success for flexible/distance learning