Year: 2017

Future-proofing Higher Education, 22 Cups of Coffee and Harry Potter in Nottingham

Three days, two conferences, one prediction: digital transformation for student success is the key to future-proof UK Higher Education institutions. Held on 13 and 14 June 2017 in the heart of London’s Silicon Roundabout, Future Ed Tech brought together under one (sleek) Old Street roof institutional leaders, academics and tech giants including SAP and Oracle to discuss…Continue Reading Future-proofing Higher Education, 22 Cups of Coffee and Harry Potter in Nottingham

School of Health Sciences – Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – June 2017

Group of Academics discussing the concept of team-based learning

The School of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Innovators Event this term returned to the three presentation format on the 14th June, following a single workshop format for the past few innovators events, with Alison Coutts, Maggie Tarling and Ellie Taylor (from the Nursing Division in the School) on the topics of team-based learning, certainty…Continue Reading School of Health Sciences – Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – June 2017

Moodle 3.2: Moodle Checklist now available for all staff

Moodle icon

As you are finding your way around Moodle 3.2, we draw your attention to another feature that you may find useful, the Moodle Checklist. This activity enables lecturers to create a checklist to help students monitor their progress on a module. The students can check off each item on the list, as they complete it….Continue Reading Moodle 3.2: Moodle Checklist now available for all staff

The Design & Management of Learning Environments Conference 2017 #LECONF

Conference venue: Kings Place, London. The Design & Management of Learning Environments Conference attracts a friendly and loyal audience of directors and managers from HE Estates departments, designers, architects, academics and consultants. This year the event ran on 28th June and showcased a wide variety of speakers, from architets to change managers through to educational…Continue Reading The Design & Management of Learning Environments Conference 2017 #LECONF

Report from Learning at City 2017 – Developing Theory into Practice

The 9th Annual Learning at City Conference took place on 21st June. We returned to the Northampton Square campus of the University, to our new learning spaces in the Drysdale Lower Ground on a very hot June day (34.5C!), thankfully we had air conditioning! The overall theme for the Learning at City Conference focused on…Continue Reading Report from Learning at City 2017 – Developing Theory into Practice

Welcome to Moodle 3.2

What's new in Moodle?

After months of blog posts, Moodle 3.2 is finally here. The highlights of our latest Moodle release are captured in our 2 minute animation. Check out our Ed Tech Guidance site for more information and guidance. Our What’s New in Moodle 3.2? guidance page provides a quick overview of what’s new in the latest Moodle release….Continue Reading Welcome to Moodle 3.2

EDEN Conference – June 2017

I recently attended the EDEN (European Distance learning and E-Learning Network) Conference at Jönköping University in Sweden to present on a collaborative project between the City Law School and the Educational Technology Team in LEaD. This involved creating transmedia resources for the LLB in Legal Practice, a distance learning programme delivered by the City Law…Continue Reading EDEN Conference – June 2017

Echo Active Learning Conference 2017

On the 6th June, Echo hosted an Active Learning Conference at Kings College London which members of LEaD and Educational Research and Enterprise Systems (ERES, part of IT) attended. The aim of the event was to showcase and share good practice and to update the UK community of Echo institutions (which include UCL, QMUL, LSE…Continue Reading Echo Active Learning Conference 2017

A toe in legal waters

Around Gray's Inn

I’ve recently started a new role at City, managing the relationship between LEaD’s Educational Technology team and the City Law School (CLS). Just a couple of weeks into the post, I had the pleasure of attending Law’s Teaching and Learning Day event, at the Atkin’s lecture theatre. It was a great opportunity to start getting…Continue Reading A toe in legal waters

Kristianstad University, Sweden visited Learning Enhancement and Development and the Library

On the 30th May, the Learning Resources Center at Kristianstad University in Sweden visited us in Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) as part of a visit to several London Universities. The purpose of the visit was to share practice and experiences of educational development between our departments. We welcomed our guests into B200, introducing our…Continue Reading Kristianstad University, Sweden visited Learning Enhancement and Development and the Library