Case study with Professor Elaine Fahey (City Law School) The significant expansion in the kinds of tools and practices available for online education presented by the pandemic has left City, University of London with more means for enabling and supporting different types of initiatives that were not available pre-pandemic. In this example we find out…Continue Reading Using MS Teams Channels for Groupwork and Prize-Giving.
‘A coming together’: reflections from a Virtual Summer School on Human Rights and Business
Are you looking to take teaching online further, having moved teaching activities online during the pandemic and experienced some of the possibilities that online learning holds? What if you could purposefully bring students from different parts of the world together for an immersive and highly engaging series of extra-curricular activities but without them having to…Continue Reading ‘A coming together’: reflections from a Virtual Summer School on Human Rights and Business
Creating digitally accessible descriptive transcripts from raw media and text files
The Project On the 8th of June 2021, Breshna Rani and I have been tasked with coming up with a template for transcripts to be approved by the Senior Educational Technologist in LEaD and subsequently used in a first instance to generate digitally accessible transcripts for the individual presentations within City’s third annual Learning and…Continue Reading Creating digitally accessible descriptive transcripts from raw media and text files
LEaD Light Lunch – Talking about online learning and teaching
The idea behind the LEaD Light lunch sessions was to ask academic and professional colleagues to give short informal talks on topics relating to digital technology and online teaching. Another reason was to build up an online community that could support reflective practice as well as help with working in isolation (something I wrote…Continue Reading LEaD Light Lunch – Talking about online learning and teaching
Virtual Moots – Challenges and Opportunities
I was fortunate enough to partake in the Moots again this year. This is my third year running and I am pleased to be able to help my colleagues at CLS to help students in the mooting process. This year will always be a memorable year in that most courses have had to move to…Continue Reading Virtual Moots – Challenges and Opportunities
On AI Labs, mobiles for barristers, and co-created infographics
The post below is a transcript of a closing keynote I gave at a UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) workshop in November 2019. It contains three case studies of how LEaD have worked with City academics on educational development or enhancement activities. I’ve published it here to add to LEaD’s new Case Studies archive,…Continue Reading On AI Labs, mobiles for barristers, and co-created infographics
Group work online – Creating a magazine remotely
Over seven weeks, across four continents and more time zones, they’ve managed to do all the things we would normally do in the production module apart from produce a printed magazine”. Read the magazine online: Reset Magazine Academic: Yuen Chan – Senior Lecturer department of Journalism Course: Masters in International Journalism …Continue Reading Group work online – Creating a magazine remotely
Teaching econometrics online
Dr Malvina Marchese shares her experience of teaching Econometrics online: discipline-specific and technical challenges, redesigning the module for online delivery and student engagement and some strengths for online learning. Download the slides …Continue Reading Teaching econometrics online
Experiential Learning Activities Online
Dr Sara Jones shares some of her experiences with online experiential learning in the Masters in Innovation, Creativity and Leadership (MICL). Download the slides Sara’s takeaways: teaching online can be an opportunity: digital tools can offer new perspectives and added value teaching online can also be a constraint don’t try to replicate face-to-face teaching…Continue Reading Experiential Learning Activities Online
Blended teaching of clinical skills (optometry)
Blended Learning: The training is divided into 7 short course units. Each unit relates to a specific core competency derived from existing ophthalmic speciality competency frameworks that define the knowledge, skills and attributes to undertake extended practice in Medical Retina. Each unit is equivalent to a 1 hour face-to face lecture. Material, activities and recordings centralised on…Continue Reading Blended teaching of clinical skills (optometry)