Category: Conferences & Events

Call for Abstracts – Learning at City Conference 2018

The tenth annual Learning at City Conference will take place on Wednesday 20th June 2018 at City, University of London. The call for abstracts is now open and closes at midnight on March 7th 2018. Find out more and submit your abstract The overall theme for the conference focuses on Assessment and Feedback for Learning….Continue Reading Call for Abstracts – Learning at City Conference 2018

How to hook readers in with catchy blog titles

Image of an industrial hook pulling on a rope

The focus of this month’s writing group was creating blog titles to grab the attention of readers. We looked at advice from Corey Wainwright’s blog post on the subject, which outlined the following key points: Start with a working title – note down a rough title to give you a focus when you start writing a…Continue Reading How to hook readers in with catchy blog titles

“Fear is at the root of most bad writing.” Stephen King

Image spelling out the word fear

October’s Writing Group was our busiest yet, with participants from different City departments and also representatives from the Students’ Union. We continued our focus on editing. This time, using advice from Stephen King, we waged war on the “Atrocity of Adverbs” (Popova, 2013). We read his advice on tightening your writing by avoiding adverbs. In…Continue Reading “Fear is at the root of most bad writing.” Stephen King

Copyright, Education and the International Community of Practice

I’ve been away to two conferences in the last month presenting about one of my key research interests: copyright education. As some of you may know, I am a former librarian / copyright officer, now transformed into a Senior Lecturer in Educational Developer (yes I do sometimes have an identity crisis!) so the first conference…Continue Reading Copyright, Education and the International Community of Practice

Is the future what it used to be?

Looking forward Like most sectors, higher education looks at trends the affect it and tries to imagine potential futures from them. The University of Greenwich’s 2017 Academic Practice and Technology conference took this theme up this year with relish. Focusing on ‘reimagining higher education in the face of a rapidly changing and sometimes chaotic environment’,…Continue Reading Is the future what it used to be?

Lunchtime workshops to develop your study skills

Schedule for the LEaD study skills workshops in Term 1

This autumn, City’s Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) team is offering a wide-ranging series of lunchtime study skills workshops. Most sessions are open to all City students but some are school-specific, as shown in the schedule below. Prebooking is not necessary; just come along to the sessions that best address your needs. All sessions take…Continue Reading Lunchtime workshops to develop your study skills

How to get more out of Moodle – Bring Your Own Lunch Webinar September 2017

A guest post by Snigdha Nag, Senior Lecturer at the City Law School based on the Bring Your Own Lunch (#BYOL) Webinar in September 2017, organised by LEaD. If like to present the next one in November or write a blog post for us, then contact us. The Slides are below, for more detail, please…Continue Reading How to get more out of Moodle – Bring Your Own Lunch Webinar September 2017

Editing – pep up your prose

An eye hidden behind two planks of wood

This summer the LEaD writing group activities focused on editing. This post outlines the activities so you too can use them to pep up your prose. 1. Hiding the ‘I’ in fiction and non-fiction Blog writing can be a reflective form of writing. As a result, we may use ‘I’ a lot. However, this does…Continue Reading Editing – pep up your prose

Planning for Pedagogy Space and Technology Workshop at ALT-C 2017

The annual Association for Learning Technology’s conference took place from 5th – 7th September, you can see the daily keynotes which were streamed and recorded via the conference programme.You can also check out the Twitter hashtag #altc or see the ALT-C 2017 Flickr album for photographs. On the third day, I attended in person, to…Continue Reading Planning for Pedagogy Space and Technology Workshop at ALT-C 2017

The Psychology of Collaboration – Herman Miller Seminar

The Psychology of Collaboration, presented by Bertie van Wyk, based on a paper by Dr. Nigel Oseland. Bertie van Wyk [BVW] is a workplace specialist, a communicator on human work insights, across Europe and USA. Twitter hashtags – @bertievw  @hminsightgroup If you’re a morning person, by 4pm your brain capacity is the same as if…Continue Reading The Psychology of Collaboration – Herman Miller Seminar