Category: Learning Spaces

Report from Learning at City 2017 – Developing Theory into Practice

The 9th Annual Learning at City Conference took place on 21st June. We returned to the Northampton Square campus of the University, to our new learning spaces in the Drysdale Lower Ground on a very hot June day (34.5C!), thankfully we had air conditioning! The overall theme for the Learning at City Conference focused on…Continue Reading Report from Learning at City 2017 – Developing Theory into Practice

Echo Active Learning Conference 2017

On the 6th June, Echo hosted an Active Learning Conference at Kings College London which members of LEaD and Educational Research and Enterprise Systems (ERES, part of IT) attended. The aim of the event was to showcase and share good practice and to update the UK community of Echo institutions (which include UCL, QMUL, LSE…Continue Reading Echo Active Learning Conference 2017

Reflections in Time and Twitter: a walk of City’s Learning Spaces

As part of the Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group (MELSIG) lunchtime Twitter walk activity, members of staff at City took part in our first Twitter Walk, or Twalk yesterday afternoon. The basic premise was similar to reflective walks that academics may have taken in the medieval times in the cloisters (Latin for enclosure) in universities…Continue Reading Reflections in Time and Twitter: a walk of City’s Learning Spaces

Considerations for a Law (CLS) specific future-proofed lecture theatre

In June 2015 the LEaD team ran a focus group with academic staff in the City Law school (CLS) who use the Atkin Lecture Theatre to deliver the schools professional programmes. This review took place as the lecture theatre was seen as not being fit for purpose at that time. The LEaD school relationship lead…Continue Reading Considerations for a Law (CLS) specific future-proofed lecture theatre

Learning Spaces Group – 26th April 2017


The Learning Spaces Group met on 26th April, to discuss a variety of issues around Learning Spaces and in-class technologies in the Franklin Building. The areas covered were as follows: An update on the Designing Active Learning Initiative (DALI) Input from staff on Computer Lab spaces Input from staff on how they might change the Great Hall…Continue Reading Learning Spaces Group – 26th April 2017

Co-designing with Jisc

Potential tech futures for education and research (long read alert) How might digital technologies transform education and research by 2020-2030? As City is looking towards the coming decade in our newly-launched Vision and Strategy, Jisc are currently engaged in a consultation process to determine how best to advise and support institutions in preparing to answer this question….Continue Reading Co-designing with Jisc

Sketches for a Smart Campus

Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (from Wikipedia, CC-BY-SA)

1/ Been collecting some thoughts on the #intelligentcampus (or #smartcampus, for character brevity) for @JISC’s #codesign16. #learningspaces — Dom Pates (@dompates) November 23, 2016 A few weeks ago, I noticed on Twitter that JISC was asking for contributions on the subject of ‘the intelligent campus’ (or, ‘the smart campus’, as it’s also known). I’ve been…Continue Reading Sketches for a Smart Campus

Introducing City’s new flagship lecture theatre

Overview Last month saw the opening of B200, a new lecture theatre in University Building that is set to become one of City’s flagship learning spaces. The theatre is now live, with the first timetabled lectures having already taken place. Explore B200 from a presenter point of view in the 360° photo above. Positioned above…Continue Reading Introducing City’s new flagship lecture theatre

DALI – a collaborative approach to learning space design – for Higher Education


What is DALI? The Designing Active Learning Initiative (DALI) is a collaboration between City’s schools and professional services (Information Services, Learning enhancement and development and Property and Facilities) which began in January 2015. Funding has been secured to initiate the redesign and renewal of technology in City’s learning spaces. In the summer of 2016 a…Continue Reading DALI – a collaborative approach to learning space design – for Higher Education

Highlights from the Educational Technology & Learning Spaces Staff Survey 2016

At the end of last year (Oct 15 – Dec 15), City University London staff were invited to participate in LEaD‘s annual Educational Technology and Learning Spaces survey. This was an opportunity for staff to feed back on and ultimately influence how educational technology and learning spaces are supported and implemented at City.  Our aim…Continue Reading Highlights from the Educational Technology & Learning Spaces Staff Survey 2016