ELESIG ran an event a few months back which reported on a number of projects at Institutions around the UK, that included the student experience at the heart. As I am an ELESIG online facilitator, I attended to gain an insight into the work being undertaken on digital literacies across the country. Here is a…Continue Reading Effective Learning in the Digital Age
How to use your voice brilliantly in online sessions
With the recent upgrade to the video conferencing software, Adobe Connect, I thought it would be timely to post about a webinar I attended on How to use your voice brilliantly in online sessions. I signed up for this session as I help to facilitate a regular online tutorial session using Connect and I was…Continue Reading How to use your voice brilliantly in online sessions
Viewpoints Learning Design Workshop
This is a brief report on a half day curriculum design workshop hosted here at City University London. The workshop was facilitated by Dr Alan Masson from the University of Ulster and showcased JISC- funded materials and a handbook for promoting curriculum design workshops for academic and other interested staff. The materials are intended to…Continue Reading Viewpoints Learning Design Workshop
Student Voice Award 2010: Elliot Schatzberger, City Law School
Elliot Schatzberger won a student nominated Student Voice Award for the City Law School in 2010. Students reported that: “Elliot Schatzberger is an excellent teacher. He is not only good at engaging students, but ensures that every word he says sticks in the minds of his pupils. He is thorough and goes at a great…Continue Reading Student Voice Award 2010: Elliot Schatzberger, City Law School
Sharing your conference sessions and thoughts
A great way to share your conference attendence, thoughts and information from sessions is to start you own Blog. This helps others who could not attend to still be able to join in. Set up an account just for conferences using a google blog or wordpress like this site Add notes from sessions and photos Put…Continue Reading Sharing your conference sessions and thoughts
Tips for writing student facing module and programme specifications
At City University London all our programme and module specifications are written so they are aimed at the students. In order for these to be clear for students here are some tips to making these clear. 10 Tips for writing student facing documents The purpose of writing student facing documents is to ensure the students…Continue Reading Tips for writing student facing module and programme specifications
Patchwork Text, PDP and e-portfolio approach to Curriculum Design
A regional workshop programme delivered by the Centre for Recording Achievement with support from the Higher Education Academy was run at Millenium Point in Birmingham. Starting Points: In some institutions Personal Development Planning (PDP) has run the risk of being seen as marginal and bolt on. Yet we also know that PDP connects directly to…Continue Reading Patchwork Text, PDP and e-portfolio approach to Curriculum Design
Is text messaging dead?
Earlier in May I was invited to give a keynote presentation at the TxtTools Conference Lets Talk about Txt Conference which was being hosted at the University. TxtTools is a system that enables mass notification of students (or users) via text messaging. It can also enable you to post text messages to a predetermined number…Continue Reading Is text messaging dead?
Learning Development Project – Dr Sara Jones
Dr Sara Jones from the Centre for Human-Computer Interaction Design is conducting a project titled ‘Exploring the Potential of Digitally Augmented Spaces to Enhance Students’ Experience of Problem-Based Learning in Design’. Her project is based in the School of Informatics and was conducted in conjunction with the Centre for Creativity in Professional practice in 2011….Continue Reading Learning Development Project – Dr Sara Jones
Point B: A Short Guide to Leading a Big Change
Peter Bregman (2007) Point B: A Short Guide to Leading a Big Change, Space for Change, New York Change is notoriously difficult to manage. This guide won’t make change easy or problem free but it will give great insight, tools and strategies that increase chances of success. This guide refers to a big change but…Continue Reading Point B: A Short Guide to Leading a Big Change