Library Services

SCONUL Access From Monday 15th November, City students can apply for SCONUL Access to access university libraries around the country. You can submit your application via SCONUL website. Not all university libraries have resumed their participation in the scheme – this means that City students will not be able to use these libraries (such as LSE and London Met). City University students can also use Senate…Continue Reading Library Services

LinkedIn Learning for Students

Introduction to LinkedIn Learning  In response to requests for training to enhance your digital and other employability skills, City is pleased to offer all students unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning worth £250.  The recent Student Digital Experience Insight Survey revealed that 46% of students who took the survey use online videos and resources to help…Continue Reading LinkedIn Learning for Students

Online Group Work and Learning

Using digital platforms to interact and communicate with fellow students has become the new normal over the past year. This transition to online learning can be a hard move, so it may be useful to expand your knowledge of social platforms and enhance your digital skills to fit the new hybrid working/studying environment. Here are…Continue Reading Online Group Work and Learning

Meet the Student Digital Assistants (SDAs)

The Student Digital Community We are the Student Digital Assistants who support the Learning Enhancement and Development Team (LEaD) with the Student Digital Community project. This is a safe space for you to access peer support and opportunities as well as interact with one another and join social and information events, meet new people and…Continue Reading Meet the Student Digital Assistants (SDAs)

Introducing the Student Digital Community

Student Digital Community   Following the transition to online learning, City students shared they felt there was a lack of peer support and opportunities for them to integrate into the new university environment and form a solid community and culture. Hence, the Student Digital Community was introduced which is a Microsoft Teams channel managed jointly…Continue Reading Introducing the Student Digital Community

Motivation and the Design of Online Learning Platforms

This post is written by Jed Odermatt, Lecturer at City Law School who was studying the module EDM116: Technology Enabled Academic Practice last academic year as part of the MA in Academic Practice. Encouraged by his module tutors Jane Secker and Julie Voce, Jed agreed to write up his final project as a blog post,…Continue Reading Motivation and the Design of Online Learning Platforms

‘A coming together’: reflections from a Virtual Summer School on Human Rights and Business

Screenshot of Week One of Virtual Summer School calendar

Are you looking to take teaching online further, having moved teaching activities online during the pandemic and experienced some of the possibilities that online learning holds? What if you could purposefully bring students from different parts of the world together for an immersive and highly engaging series of extra-curricular activities but without them having to…Continue Reading ‘A coming together’: reflections from a Virtual Summer School on Human Rights and Business

Blogging and leadership

Many of you know that Dom Pates and I run the LEaD Writing Group, which meets on Zoom once a month, and is primarily a community of practice to support City bloggers. We dedicated time to writing as well as showcase individuals who blog. Last week, we were delighted to be joined by two members…Continue Reading Blogging and leadership

Researching the challenges and opportunities of hybrid teaching

Hybrid teaching image

This blog post was written by Jane Secker with Miranda Melcher and Rebecca Wells. It summarises the experience of undertaking a literature review on hybrid teaching to help inform the guidance that LEaD has developed for teaching staff.    When I heard that City were planning on investing in hybrid teaching, I admit to being skeptical about…Continue Reading Researching the challenges and opportunities of hybrid teaching

How shared docs enable flexibility and accessibility for teachers and learners

Zoom call with coffee mug in foreground

The last year of online live teaching has generated myriad ideas for how to use new and existing technologies for educational purposes. Aside from assigning podcasts, one of my favourite methods of creating accessible learning resources for live sessions is using shared documents (ie OneDrive Word files or Google Docs), instead of slides and screensharing during live sessions.   My use of these documents was developed…Continue Reading How shared docs enable flexibility and accessibility for teachers and learners