LEaD Light Lunch is back with a session on the Student digital experience

talking a piciture of food with a mobile phone

LEaD Light lunch sessions started back in autumn 2020, during lockdown, to create a space for academic and professional colleagues to share ideas on topics relating to digital technology and online teaching. The sessions ran throughout the academic year 20/21 and covered a wide range of topics from accessibility, strategies for effective online teaching, best…Continue Reading LEaD Light Lunch is back with a session on the Student digital experience

Special guests join 2021 LEaD Writing Group sessions

There are two further LEaD Writing Group sessions this term, and we are delighted to be joined by guests speakers for both of them. For tomorrow’s session, we will be joined by City President Professor Anthony Finkelstein and Interim Vice-President (Education) Professor Susannah Quinsee for a panel discussion centred around blogging and leadership. For the…Continue Reading Special guests join 2021 LEaD Writing Group sessions

LEaD Writing Group dates for 2021/22

Photo of Dr Alexandra Mihai

Still writing The LEaD Writing Group is an informal community of practice that provides support around blogging specifically and writing more generally. The monthly sessions that Jane Secker and I run also provide a small but dedicated spot of writing time for those with busy calendars. Unbelievably, we are now about to start our sixth…Continue Reading LEaD Writing Group dates for 2021/22

Revisiting LEaD Light Lunch 20/21. Part 5. Preparing for 2021/22

talking a piciture of food with a mobile phone

The academic year 2021/22 should prove to be a different one from 20/21 with more on campus activity. However, with the introduction of ISLA( Inclusive Synchronous Learning Activities) spaces at City for hybrid teaching, it is a fact that things won’t quite go back to what they were before the pandemic. Looking at some of…Continue Reading Revisiting LEaD Light Lunch 20/21. Part 5. Preparing for 2021/22

Quick wins that can make your content more accessible and your practice more inclusive

We know that making your content digitally accessible might seem like a daunting and time-consuming task. However, it is important to remember that accessibility is a journey, not a destination. We are all on a roadmap of learning how to embed more inclusive practice in our everyday work. We will make errors along the way…Continue Reading Quick wins that can make your content more accessible and your practice more inclusive

7th Business School Teaching and Learning Exchange event 

In this blog post, we will revisit the 7th Business School Teaching and Learning Exchange that took place on Wednesday 21st of July 2021. It was our third online event held via MS Teams. The exchange aimed to provide an opportunity to reflect back on a period of intense and unexpected change and the opportunity…Continue Reading 7th Business School Teaching and Learning Exchange event 

Revisiting LEaD Light Lunch 20/21. Making best use of breakout rooms by Stian Reimers

screen with participants

This is the second part of a set of three resources, shared in a LEaD Light Lunch session on teaching online with Zoom, by Stian Reimers, Reader in Psychology (School of arts and social sciences): The Psychology BSc uses Zoom breakout rooms extensively to allow students to explore and discuss ideas in small groups, and…Continue Reading Revisiting LEaD Light Lunch 20/21. Making best use of breakout rooms by Stian Reimers

Revisiting LEaD Light Lunch 20/21. Whole Group live teaching ideas by Stian Reimers

This is the first part of  a set of three resources, shared in a LEaD Light Lunch session on teaching online with Zoom, by Stian Reimers, Reader in Psychology (School of Arts and Social Sciences)…Continue Reading Revisiting LEaD Light Lunch 20/21. Whole Group live teaching ideas by Stian Reimers

New episode of ‘Teaching Here and There’ due out Friday 3rd Sept. 12 noon GMT

New episode of ‘Teaching Here and There’ due out Friday 3rd Sept. 12 noon GMT Podcast ‘Teaching here and there’ with Senior Educational Technologists Dom Pates and James Rutherford from City along with Dr. Ivan Sikora, Associate Professor in Aviation from the University of West London. Episode 2. This episode sees the team discuss hybrid teaching with international…Continue Reading New episode of ‘Teaching Here and There’ due out Friday 3rd Sept. 12 noon GMT