Search: “Poll Everywhere”

Revisiting LEaD Light Lunch 20/21. Whole Group live teaching ideas by Stian Reimers

This is the first part of  a set of three resources, shared in a LEaD Light Lunch session on teaching online with Zoom, by Stian Reimers, Reader in Psychology (School of Arts and Social Sciences)…

Revisiting LEaD Light Lunch 20/21. Part 3. Best Digital education tools

This is the third blog revisiting LEaD Light Lunch sessions and it brings together some favourite digital educational tools available here at City: Firstly, there are polling tools. Snigdha Nag (City Law school Professional Programmes) presented an interactive session on the use of Microsoft Forms for multiple-choice questions in class. Snigdha showed us how she…

(This is a "Page")Lisa Baker

Educational Technologist City, University of London, Digital Education (LEaD) Lisa Baker is an Educational Technologist in the Digital Education team in LEaD. She is based at Bunhill Row and she provides support and training for academic and professional colleagues in the Business School, Law and SMCSE. Lisa provides educational technology support for various technologies including…

Using the TREC model to add active learning to your online sessions

  Across the week of 19th to 23rd April, I attended a number of sessions as part of the Active Learning Network’s Global Festival of Active Learning. These ranged from drawing circles, faces and rainbows as part of an open creative studio to taking part in an online escape room. However the session I found…

LEaD Light Lunch – Talking about online learning and teaching

  The idea behind the LEaD Light lunch sessions was to ask academic and professional colleagues to give short informal talks on topics relating to digital technology and online teaching.  Another reason was to build up an online community that could support reflective practice as well as help with working in isolation  (something I wrote…

On AI Labs, mobiles for barristers, and co-created infographics

The post below is a transcript of a closing keynote I gave at a UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) workshop in November 2019. It contains three case studies of how LEaD have worked with City academics on educational development or enhancement activities. I’ve published it here to add to LEaD’s new Case Studies archive,…

Interested in Team-based learning?

Team-based learning is not new and has a long history particularly in America. Larry Michaelson, a Professor of Business Management, who helped to establish the TBL approach in the 1970’s, explains: The primary learning objective in TBL is to go beyond simply covering content and focus on ensuring that students have the opportunity to practice…

Educational Technology Workshops and Drop-Ins, January-April 2020

The full programe of Educational Technology workshops of drop-ins has been published and is now open for bookings. The team is offering a programme of workshops including: An introduction to Moodle for academics Moodle assignments: managing offline feedback and grading Managing online assessment using Turnitin Interpreting Turnitin similarity reports An introduction to lecture capture An…

MozFest 2019: some reflections on games based learning

A few weekends ago I found myself at Ravensbourne College on a Saturday, which is the site of the O2 in North Greenwich. No I wasn’t seeing John Legend in concert (he was playing!), this was the second time I was attending MozFest which is run by the Mozilla Foundation (who created the web browser…

Skyping in to the Intelligent Campus…and more

(tl;dr – belated report on two internal events I organised and four I attended at City) Opening the archives Last year, I moved into a new position within LEaD’s Educational Technology Team, becoming a Senior Educational Technologist. The role has a Relationship Lead focus, and is associated with three of City’s schools. This means that…