Tag: ALT-C

Data, predictions and hidden learning environments at ALT-C

Laptop showing analytics dashboard

This year’s Association for Learning Technology conference (ALT-C) was themed Data, Dialogue, Doing. As we have just finished phase one of our Learning Analytics Project (LeAP), I attended with my Learning Analytics hat on to find out more about what others in the sector are doing. Sue Beckingham’s opening keynote set the scene by talking…Continue Reading Data, predictions and hidden learning environments at ALT-C

Planning for Pedagogy Space and Technology Workshop at ALT-C 2017

The annual Association for Learning Technology’s conference took place from 5th – 7th September, you can see the daily keynotes which were streamed and recorded via the conference programme.You can also check out the Twitter hashtag #altc or see the ALT-C 2017 Flickr album for photographs. On the third day, I attended in person, to…Continue Reading Planning for Pedagogy Space and Technology Workshop at ALT-C 2017