Tag: creativity

Sparking creativity and community: Five Years of Sharing

It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since one of the most challenging societal and health crises of our time began. Yes, it has been five years since the pandemic started—and five years since we established the Learning and Teaching Community alongside the LEaD Light Lunch, inviting colleagues to come online and share…Continue Reading Sparking creativity and community: Five Years of Sharing

Rabbits, post-its, green screens and stop motion animation – a week of work experience in LEaD

An image of a Youtube still clip with the title - The Forensic Process (stop motion) and a picture of a sylvanian rabbit and panda in an animated scene.

Recently I was lucky enough to undertake 4 days of work experience with the LEaD Multi-media team at City, University of London. This was organised as part of my year 12 placement and was an opportunity to experience working in a University environment and to experiment with video creation and production, stop motion animation and…Continue Reading Rabbits, post-its, green screens and stop motion animation – a week of work experience in LEaD

Are you using Teams Sites with your students?

4 benefits to using Teams Sites to help students connect and collaborate in their Learning?

If the answer is Yes then please make contact with the City Digital Education Team. We are really keen to collate recent case studies of modules that have used Teams Sites that help students along with their Moodle Modules.  Here’s why Teams Sites can be a helpful addition to your Moodle Module. Teams Sites can…Continue Reading Are you using Teams Sites with your students?

Experiential Learning Activities Online

Dr Sara Jones shares some of her experiences with online experiential learning in the Masters in Innovation, Creativity and Leadership (MICL). Download the slides Sara’s takeaways: teaching online can  be an opportunity: digital tools can offer new perspectives and added value teaching online can also be a constraint don’t try to replicate face-to-face teaching…Continue Reading Experiential Learning Activities Online

Getting to know the ‘sticky’ campus

SmartLearning Text

“We live in a world where the workforces of today and tomorrow need to continuously learn and constantly reskill in order to flourish ina newly peripatetic and ever-changing job market place. We, as a society can therefore no longer afford to think of education as something that occurs primarily in our formative years”. Nathan Hurley,…Continue Reading Getting to know the ‘sticky’ campus

Education Estates Conference, Manchester 2019

This was my first experience of Education Estates conference, and it was a useful insight into the priorities of the Dept. of Education, architects and stakeholders across all levels of education, from nursery schools to universities. The keynote on Day 1, was titled “Schools Construction and Care Going Forward”, by Mike Green, COO and DG…Continue Reading Education Estates Conference, Manchester 2019

Why did I start blogging? Present Absence

Shoes hanging from a telephone wire

Recently, Dom Pates, Jane Secker and I were discussing the future of the blogging group once I leave City (more about that later). We ended up talking about why we started blogging. Here’s my answer. My first blog post dates back to February 2008. What were you doing then? I was living in Sao Paulo,…Continue Reading Why did I start blogging? Present Absence

Picturing how to write essays

Front cover of the book 'Writing Essays by Pictures' by Alke Groppel-Wegener

Do your students find it difficult to develop their essays? If so, Alke Groppel-Wegener’s ‘Writing Essays by Pictures’ may provide a helpful guide. She approaches what can appear to be a dry process in a creative and imaginative way. The book uses engaging visual metaphors and analogies to highlight the important aspects of academia. The writing process…Continue Reading Picturing how to write essays

Copyright, Education and the International Community of Practice

I’ve been away to two conferences in the last month presenting about one of my key research interests: copyright education. As some of you may know, I am a former librarian / copyright officer, now transformed into a Senior Lecturer in Educational Developer (yes I do sometimes have an identity crisis!) so the first conference…Continue Reading Copyright, Education and the International Community of Practice

LEaD Writing Group – Developing your creativity

This month’s theme for the LEaD Writing Group was creativity. We started by using an activity suggested by Heather Leach in The Road to Somewhere: A Creative Writing Companion. Stretch the imaginative muscle (Leach, 2014). Choose any object that you have around you. In our case, I gave the participants a book. Make a list…Continue Reading LEaD Writing Group – Developing your creativity