Celebrating our MAAP Graduates

On January 22nd, we had the privilege of celebrating the achievements of our MA in Academic Practice graduates at the Barbican Centre. This occasion marked the culmination of years of dedication, perseverance and commitment to professional development in higher education of these 12 colleagues….Continue Reading Celebrating our MAAP Graduates

Developing Digital Education: a new module lifts off on 10th March

Before the pandemic you may have been able to get away with avoiding using technology in your teaching or seeing it as an optional extra. That all changed in March 2020 when City like all universities and schools, shifted to online learning. While many of us are back in the classroom, it’s  fair to say…Continue Reading Developing Digital Education: a new module lifts off on 10th March

On AI Labs, mobiles for barristers, and co-created infographics

Early design ideas for AI lab

The post below is a transcript of a closing keynote I gave at a UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) workshop in November 2019. It contains three case studies of how LEaD have worked with City academics on educational development or enhancement activities. I’ve published it here to add to LEaD’s new Case Studies archive,…Continue Reading On AI Labs, mobiles for barristers, and co-created infographics

Digital Literacies and Open Practices starting next week!

Creative Commons Cake

I’ve been really busy these past few months putting together a new module, based on two of my key interests and I’m really excited that it is going live next week. EDM122: Digital Literacies and Open Practices is a 15 credit module, being taught as part of the MA in Academic Practice at City, so…Continue Reading Digital Literacies and Open Practices starting next week!

Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice

We are now recruiting participants for the Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice module that will run as a double module as part of the MA Academic Practice from January 2016. Increasingly work in the HE sector is characterised by continuous change and uncertainty with high expectations and decreasing resources.  Consequently, it is vital for staff…Continue Reading Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice

Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice

We are now recruiting participants for the Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice module that will run as a double module as part of the MA Academic Practice from January 2015. Increasingly work in the HE sector is characterised by continuous change and uncertainty with high expectations and decreasing resources.  Consequently, it is vital for staff…Continue Reading Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice

Reflections on our inspiration day

In November, Anise, Annemarie and myself took a day out to try the technique of walking and learning, as outlined in Anise’s previous post.  The day was a fantastic opportunity to gain some thinking time as well as trying out a technique that I had read about from elsewhere and I wanted to use in…Continue Reading Reflections on our inspiration day

British Museum Walking and Learning

Students on the Leading Change in Higher Education module of the MAAP course participated in an activity that explored their values, leadership qualities and leadership journeys within the galleries of the British Museum.  This was an opportunity to put on our comfy shoes and start walking and learning.  The students found the day to be…Continue Reading British Museum Walking and Learning

Leading Change in Higher Education – MAAP Module

We are now recruiting participants for the Leading Change in Higher Education module that will run as part of the MA Academic Practice from January 2013.  In this challenging and uncertain time within HE it is vital to develop leadership skills that draw on self-awareness, leadership models and exploration of change.  Leadership and being an…Continue Reading Leading Change in Higher Education – MAAP Module

Self- and Peer Assessment using Turnitin in SEMS: Cengiz Turkoglu

Cengiz Turkoglu, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, principally teaches final-year undergraduate students and one of the MSc Aviation Management modules, with class sizes usually not exceeding 20 students. Each of his modules uses a similar assessment pattern comprising one coursework plus an examination. For the coursework component, he utilizes…Continue Reading Self- and Peer Assessment using Turnitin in SEMS: Cengiz Turkoglu