With the rapid shift to online teaching, it is easy to forget that we’re now communicating with our students via software that was, in many cases, designed for business meetings rather than for education. A key feature of some of these platforms (a Microsoft Teams Meeting, for example) is dual-stream communication: speech and text in parallel, in the form of a spoken presentation and a chat thread. But…Continue Reading Is chat where it’s at?
Study skills workshops, February 2020
LEaD’s study skills programme for February 2020 is now finalised and the full details are here. As you’ll see, the programme covers dissertation skills, essay writing, research methods, referencing and more. Most of the sessions are open to all students but a few are School-specific, as shown. Please could you share this information with your…Continue Reading Study skills workshops, February 2020
Inclusive learning: three key themes from the St Mary’s University Festival of Teaching & Learning, June 2019
This one-day event focused on inclusive teaching & learning. I was able to attend nine mini-sessions plus the two keynotes by Mick Healey, Emeritus Professor at the University of Gloucestershire, and Helena Gillespie, Senior Lecturer at UEA. Below is a very brief encapsulation of three themes I noticed cropping up across the day. Widening Participation…Continue Reading Inclusive learning: three key themes from the St Mary’s University Festival of Teaching & Learning, June 2019
School of Health Sciences – Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – June 2017
The School of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Innovators Event this term returned to the three presentation format on the 14th June, following a single workshop format for the past few innovators events, with Alison Coutts, Maggie Tarling and Ellie Taylor (from the Nursing Division in the School) on the topics of team-based learning, certainty…Continue Reading School of Health Sciences – Teaching and Learning Innovators Event – June 2017
Teaching academic writing: a conference in seven tweets
I recently attended one of the three days of the 9th Conference of the European Association for Teaching Academic Writing, hosted this year by Royal Holloway, University of London. As an Academic Learning Support Tutor, this conference is about as closely related to my work as it gets. As some of the day was…Continue Reading Teaching academic writing: a conference in seven tweets
Learning not lecturing
I am not a good lecturer. In fact, I don’t really believe in ‘lecturing’. The idea of a ‘sage on a stage’ imparting his or her wisdom is outdated, in my opinion. So is the ‘funnel model’ idea of us pouring knowledge into the heads of students, who are then expected to regurgitate exactly what…Continue Reading Learning not lecturing
Innovations in STEM teaching
Earlier this year, I attended the HEA STEM 2016 conference. This post details some of the highlights from the event. With a conference theme centred around inspiring, supporting and sharing excellent practice in STEM teaching and learning, I was particularly interested in sessions that focused on innovations in STEM teaching. I found inspiration at ones run…Continue Reading Innovations in STEM teaching
Plagiarism and essay mills
Plagiarism, and in particular the recent burgeoning of so-called essay mills, was the theme of the ALDinHE (London & south-east region) event hosted by the University of Reading on July 22nd 2016. I had the pleasure of attending this lively and stimulating day of presentations and discussion at the University’s verdant London Road campus, a…Continue Reading Plagiarism and essay mills
Report from Learning at City 2016 – Promoting Teaching Excellence
The 8th annual Learning at City Conference took place at the Hatton in London on 8th June. Over 100 people attended the event, with some 390 tweets using the hashtag #learningatcity16 including 91 photographs and 6 of the keynote or paper sessions streamed live on Periscope, as a trial of the application, of which audio…Continue Reading Report from Learning at City 2016 – Promoting Teaching Excellence
Team-based Learning at BETT 2016
The annual British Educational Training and Technology Show (BETT) show took place from 25th – 28th January 2016. This post covers team-based learning, one of the many topics discussed at the Technology in Higher Education Summit with higher education practitioners. This is the first of two posts from me on the BETT show. In a…Continue Reading Team-based Learning at BETT 2016