Ten years, ten highlights

Yesterday marked a full decade since I started working at this university. The Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) department was officially launched on my second day in the job, at an on-campus event with LEaD cupcakes, leaderships speeches and aspirations of where things had come from and what we were to become. The annual Learning…Continue Reading Ten years, ten highlights

The new digital education landscape – reflections on the 2022 UCISA Technology Enhanced Learning pulse survey

In December 2022, I chaired a webinar for the UCISA Digital Education Group to present and discuss the findings from the 2022 UCISA Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) pulse survey. In the webinar, we heard from three heads of digital learning – Amy Sampson from Falmouth University, Andy Jaffrey from Ulster University and Vicky Brown from…Continue Reading The new digital education landscape – reflections on the 2022 UCISA Technology Enhanced Learning pulse survey

Sweet Phone Chicago, Part Two

'Towards Wireless Collaboration' poster (Pates, 2018)

Further reflections on mLearn 2018 This is the fifth in a series of six posts about LEaD’s investigations into introducing wireless collaboration technologies to City learning spaces. It provides further reporting on a visit to mLearn 2018, as well as reflections on being mobile in America, and some additional flavours of Chicago. Kicking off proceedings…Continue Reading Sweet Phone Chicago, Part Two

Sweet Phone Chicago, Part One

Conference freebie - a 3D-printed robot phone holder, plus iPhone 6s

Reflections on the 17th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning This is the fourth in a series of six posts about LEaD’s investigations into introducing wireless collaboration technologies to City learning spaces. It covers arriving at mLearn 2018, an international conference on mobile learning set in Chicago, and reports on the main points from…Continue Reading Sweet Phone Chicago, Part One

What are the key trends in technology enhanced learning across the UK HE sector?

Front cover of the UCISA Technology Enhanced Learning survey report

Every two years the UCISA Digital Education Group survey UK Higher Education institutions on their use of technology enhanced learning (TEL). The Survey team includes City’s Head of Educational Technology, Julie Voce. The TEL Survey report has now been published; here are the highlights from the report with some reflection on activities at City: 1….Continue Reading What are the key trends in technology enhanced learning across the UK HE sector?

The UK Higher Education Learning Space Toolkit 2016

The UK Higher Education Learning Space Toolkit a joint collaboration between Standing Conference for Heads of Media Services (SCHOMS) ,the Association of University Directors of Estates (AUDE) and UCISA, the Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association. The toolkit outlines all the major aspects of implementing a learning spaces project and bring together advice from a…Continue Reading The UK Higher Education Learning Space Toolkit 2016